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Arena Amphitheater
The most famous and important monument, the starting and ending point of every sightseeing tour is the Amphitheater, popularly called the Arena of Pula, which was once the site of gladiator fights. It was built in the 1st century AD during the reign of Emperor Vespasian, at the same time as the magnificent Colosseum in Rome. The ground plan is elliptical, the longer axis measuring about 130 m and the shorter one about 100 m. Gladiator fights took place in the central flat area called the arena, while the spectators could sit on the stone tiers or stand in the gallery. It is believed that the Amphitheater could seat about 20,000 spectators. Local limestone was used for its construction. In the Middle Ages, it was the site of knights tournaments and fairs. Today, it is the venue for many different events – Pula Film Festival, various concerts, opera, ballet, sports competitions… since its capacity is about 5000 spectators.
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Brijuni Islands National Park
Brijuni Islands are situated near the city of Pula and represent the only National Park in Istria County. They were declared as National Park in 1983. With its 14 islands, 743,30 ha of area and water surface of 2652 ha (total area of 3395,00 ha), they represent the most indented and interesting islands in Istria. By arriving at Brijuni Islands and walking on its gentle paths, one can immediately notice why they deserved almost mythical status with its pleasant and mild climate. There is an important archaeological site on these islands in the northern Adriatic, and there is a rich cultural ancestry of the islands from the earliest to modern times.
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Ambrela Beach
Ambrela Beach is located in small St John Cove, between Saccorgiana Beach and Hotel Brioni. It is covered in pebbles with boulders of rocks. On the side, it is surrounded by autochthonous holm oak trees. Ambrela Beach is very popular among the local population and guests. Because of the soft entrance to the sea, it is convenient for families with kids. In the vicinity of the beach, there is a restaurant and a Lounge Bar Ambrela after which the beach was named. You can rent sunbeds, parasols and pedal boats on the beach. In the cove, there is a safe net, and Lifeguard service also takes care of security. There are public showers, toilet and dressing rooms on the beach as well. Entrance is free along with free parking near the beach. Ambrela Beach has been awarded a Blue Flag.
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Arch of the Sergii
The “Golden Gate” was erected between the years 29 and 27 BC by the Sergi family, in honor of three members of the family who held important positions in Pula at that time. This triumphal arch leaned against the city gate Porta Aurea thus called because of its richly ornamented arch or gilded elements. The gate and wall were pulled down in the beginning of the 19th century as a result of the city expansion outside the city walls. The Arch was constructed in Corinthian style with strong Hellenistic and Asia Minor influences both in the method and ornaments. As the eastern side was not visible it has remained for the most part uncarved, while the western, town side is richly decorated. Today numerous cultural performances, theatrical and musical, are held on the square next to the Arch. The adjacent street is a shopping area.
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Roman Theater Pula
On the northeastern slopes of the central hill of the city, below the Castle are the remains of a Roman theater: in addition to the Amphitheater, Pula had two other theaters during the Roman period. The larger one, which has not been preserved, was situated outside the city, on the slopes of Zaro hill (Monte Zaro), south of the city walls. The other theater known as the Small Roman Theater was situated within the city walls. The remains of scene, semicircular orchestra and tired section for the audience have partly been reconstructed. Below the theater is the building of the one-time German Royal Gymnasium, which in 1930 became the Archaeological Museum of Istria. Today the museum displays a rich collection of prehistoric, classical and early medieval monuments found in Istria.
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Temple of Augustus
The Temple, situated in the Forum, is dedicated to goddess Roma and Emperor Augustus. It was constructed between the year 2 BC and AD 14 when the Emperor died. According to its shape, it follows the typical pattern of temples. The function of the Temple changed through the years: with the ending of the pagan ancient era its original pagan function ceased and the temple was afterwards used as a church, granary, and at the beginning of the 19th century it was a museum for stone monuments. In 1944 it was hit by a bomb and completely destroyed. It was reconstructed between the years 1945 and 1947 and nowadays it houses a collection of ancient stone and bronze sculptures. The other twin temple, of which only the back wall is preserved, is believed to have been constructed at the same time and in the same style and was called the Temple of Diana.
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Aquarium Pula
Aquarium Pula is the most visited public aquarium in Croatia whose mission is to show the beauty and diversity of the underwater world and emphasize the need for its protection. The aquarium itself is settled in a 130-year-old fort Verudela, part of the once-mighty Austro – Hungarian defence complex Fortress Pula, where the centennial military history of Pula is combined in a unique way with the richness of the Adriatic. Fort Verudela, named after the peninsula where it was built (3 km from the center of Pula), has been in a process of conversion into an aquarium since 2002. and is now home to some 200 animal species. Sharks, jellyfish and seahorses are the most sought after inhabitants, with the Marine turtle rescue center, our biggest contribution to marine conservation, as something not to be missed. The fort’s roof, besides offering a magnificent view of Pula and the sea, from 2017. displays a massive steel dome placed over the old artillery block. The dome represents the final stage of our project where we reconstructed the central part of the fort and added 3 new tanks (50 000 liters each), greatly expanding our display.
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Archaeological Museum of Istria
By collecting stone monuments in the Temple of Augustus in 1802, marshal Marmont began the founding of the museum collection in Pula. However, the discovery of stone, ceramic and metal objects in Nesactium was the basis for founding the Museo Civico (City Museum) in Pula in 1902. After the seat of the “Società istriana di archeologia e storia patria” had been moved and with the transfer of the archaeological inventory from Poreč to Pula, the Museo Civico was integrated with the National collection (stone monuments) and the Poreč Regional Museum (Museo Provinciale) into one regional institution. Therefore, in 1925 the Museum of Istria (Il Regio Museo dell’Istria) was founded in the present-day museum building. In 1930 the museum opened its doors to visitors, and a guidebook in Italian was published. This exhibition, along with minor changes, was open for the public until the end of World War II, when many objects were transferred to Italy during the Anglo-American administration.
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Historical and Maritime Museum of Istria
At the highest hill in Pula, at an altitude of 32.4 m, between the sea and the hills Arena, Zaro and Sv. Mihovil, the adapted Venetian fortification, houses since 1961 the Historical Museum of Istria, founded as the Museum of the Revolution on December 31, 1955. The Historical Museum of Istria – Museo Storico dell’Istria carries out its activities as a public institution. Presently, it is a County institution that keeps part of the national and universal heritage, from the High Middle Ages until the recent history directly or indirectly presenting it to the public by means of permanent or temporary exhibitions or publications. The Museum has several departments – Department of the history of Pula, Department of medieval Istrian history and the Department of modern Istrian history with adjoining collections (Cultural-historic collection of urban life, Collection of old postcards and photographs, Collection of maritime history and shipbuilding, Collection of economic development, Cultural-historical collection of suburban life, Collection of insignia, diplomas, seals and coats-of-arms, Coin collection, Collection of arms, uniforms and military equipment, Collection of film and video recordings, Collection of memoirs and phonographic recordings, Collection of significant persons and the recently established Collection of old maps. In the rich museum holdings (over 40,000 artefacts), particularly important is the collection of old postcards, maps and the collection of arms, uniforms, military and maritime equipment.
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Histria Beach
Histria Beach is located under the Hotel Park Plaza Histria on Verudela Peninsula in Pula. The beach is very popular and is partially made of stone while the other part is built from concrete. Because of the soft entrance and a terrace all the way to the sea, Histria Beach is very suitable for families with kids and older persons. By the beach, there is a small autochthonous holm oak woods suitable for leisure in the shades. The beach was awarded with a Blue Flag as an evidence of crystal clear sea and maintenance of the beach. Lifeguard service takes care of the security, and there is a safety barrier to protect the swimmers. You can rent sunbeds and parasols on the beach along with other equipment. There is a Beach Bar & Restaurant Yacht on the beach.
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Valkane Beach
Valkane is the most notable and most furnished beach in Pula. It is located in Zelenika Cove in the western part of the town, at the beginning of Lungomare Boardwalk. Part of the beach is rocky and pebble and most parts are made of concrete. One part is adapted to disabled persons with special ramps for entering the sea. There are two bars on the beach: Valkane bar and Šumi more, where you can enjoy drinks next to the sea. At Valkane there is a playground for bocce and beach volleyball. Near the Sports Center Valkane, there are several tennis courts, a football field and Valter restaurant. Beach Valkane is awarded a Blue Flag which is given to beaches with lots of facilities and crystal clear sea. There is a lifeguard service on the beach which takes care of the security of the swimmers. Near the beach, there is a bus stop with a direct link to the city.
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Chapel of St. Maria Formosa
It is one of the two chapels built in the 6th century as part of a large Benedictine abbey demolished in the 16th century. The floor and walls were decorated with mosaics, some of which are now in the Archaeological Museum of Istria. It was built in the style of Ravenna churches, the only difference being the use of stone instead of brick. Due to its dimensions, method of construction and good state of preservation, the Chapel represents an extraordinary architectural masterpiece of its time.
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Gate of Hercules
It stands between two, most probably medieval towers, of simple construction built of uncarved stone blocks. At the top of the damaged arch, although hardly recognizable, is a carving of the head of Hercules and his club. Close to the club is a damaged inscription, most interesting in the historical context since it contains the names of two Roman officials, Lucius Calpurnius Piso and Gaius Cassius Longinus to whom the Roman Senate had entrusted the duty to found a Roman colony at the site of today’s Pula. Thus, between 47 and 44 BC Pula was founded as a settlement with urban features. Since the upper circular street passed though this gate, the axis of communication was obliquely placed with respect to the direction of the city walls.
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Museum of Contemporary Art of Istria
The museum collects works of art created in the second half of last century until the latest work of recent artists. MCAI represents an open meeting place of multiculturalism and, above all, to be a leading cultural and art institution of Istrian artists.
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Palud Ornithological Reserve
Eight kilometres south of Rovinj on an area of ​​about 20 hectares in the rainy periods and two hectares in periods of drought, near the sea and the bays Cisterna and Gustinja, it is located the only ornithological reserve in Istria, the "Special ornithological reserve Palud - Palù" whose trademark is the Water Rail (Rallus aquaticus). Palud was a freshwater swamp that the Austro-Hungarian army connected to the sea in 1906 by digging a channel with the hope that the increased salinity of water would stop the development of mosquito larvae and thus prevent malaria. They didn't manage to suppress malaria but as a result of the mixing of fresh and saltwater in the swamp, mullets and eels, fish that prefer brackish water, found their habitat.
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The fort of Monkodonja is located about 5 km south-east of Rovinj, and was discovered in 1953 when the first excavations were carried out. Since 1997, detailed research and a partial architectural reconstruction of the site is being conducted. The town, surrounded by walls, built with blocks of stone with the dry technique is located on a hill and its side terraces that are created with stones quarried and crushed from the hill to give space to the village. The casteliere was inhabited in the period from 2000 until 1200 BC.
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Scaraba Beach
Beach Balzamake just after Kurent cape, Small and Big Scaraba bay divided by cape Scaraba are reachable by foot with a thirty minutes walk from Rovinj town center or by bicycle. The nearest car park is just after Monvi Entertainment Center and is free of charge but it can also be very crowded in July and August. From the car park, Scaraba beach is a few minutes walk like any other beach within the Golden Cape Park Forest. The coast is rocky with a few inlets covered with pebbles. The rocky beach Balzamake is suitable for sunbathing because of big flat stones. Scaraba cape offers more privacy and less people on a rocky coast not recommended for elderly people or families with small children. This kind of beaches are frequently visited by naturists that are not a rarity in Rovinj. The pebble beach in Big Scaraba bay with its pier is a favorite place for swimmers and divers.
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Geological Park Fantazija Monfiorenzo
Near the road Rovinj-pula, about 2 kilometres far from the centre of the City of Rovinj, in the locality of Monfiorenzo, is situated the quarry phantasy, a geological park of remarkable beauty and importance. According to the expert opinion of numerous scientists, it is one of the most significant natural monuments in the world in the perspective of the karst phenomenon. The lime-stone of the quarry phantasy, like the open book pages, illustrate the history of the evolution of the terrestrial crust. Various layers give evidence of the existence of the fossilized meadows consisting of sea-weeds, which, blended with lime-stone silt, were drifted on the shore by strong currents during the last 130 million years. The quarry phantasy will reveal to a more careful visitor a considerably big number of furrows made of black and white dolomiti layers. Furthermore, there are fissures formed by tightening and exsiccation of the silt that had been squeezed into the previously created sediment. The lower part of these stony layers was formed below the sea level, while the upper part is the result of the high-tide.
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Red Island
Red Island (Crveni otok), one of the most renowned tourist locations in Rovinj. Actually, it consists of two artificially connected islands: St. Andrew’s Island (Otok Sv. Andrije) and Maškin Island (Otok Maškin). Red Island is a fifteen-minute sail away from the town center. Taxi boats arrive from and depart for Red Island every hour, from a small pier on the main town square, and from Delfin pier. The sail to the island is very pleasant, passing by Katarina Island, Lona and Zlatni rt bays that will surely enchant you with their beauty. Dense Mediterranean underbrush and old coniferous forest are predominant on the island, and there are cultivated flower parks with paths near the hotels and annexes. In 2002, Red Island was hit by a heavy storm, almost entirely destroying the 100-year-old pine forest, which has been providing shade and shelter from summer heats for numerous tourists. The biggest damage was caused on Maškin Island. A lot has been done towards cleaning and renovating the island since last year so that you could enjoy its beauty and intimacy again. You can find a really large number of beaches on the island. They are mainly stony beaches with typical coves covered with pebbles. The most frequented beaches are the ones situated on the south side of St. Andrews Island, near the hotel and the annexe. Numerous services are offered nearby, namely: a restaurant, a pool, miniature golf courses, a diver centre and others. A small part of the shore near the little port has been covered with gravel, making it suitable for children and seniors.
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Forest Park Golden Cape
The forest park Punta Corrente (Golden Cape) is one of the most important natural attractions of Rovinj. At the end of the nineteenth century, Georg Hütterott bought four Rovinj islands (St. Andrew, Maskin, Sturag and San Giovanni) and began cleaning up an area of about 90 hectares on the Golden Cape to build a spa. His premature death interrupted the realization of this ambitious project, but his vision remained and contributed to the development of tourism in this area. The uniqueness of Punta Corrente has been recognized in 1961 and declared a nature park. Golden Cape is ideal for various sporting activities such as running, cycling, gymnastics. The old quarry has been transformed into a paradise for lovers of free climbing. The park is perfect for a leisurely stroll. The whole area is closed to traffic from motor vehicles. The beaches of Punta Corrente are worth a visit. As in the rest of the coast, there are rocky capes and pebble bays suitable for children. In several places along the coast there are beach bars where you can refresh.
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Monte Beach
On the west side of the Old Town core lies the Monte beach. For those who find accommodation in the Old Town, this beach will only be a few minutes walk away. This is also the ideal place for visitors who start touring the Old Town – they can find relief from the heat in the Rovinj sea. Although the beach is about 150 meters long, the locals divided it into several parts. The Big and Little Guguliera are small beaches, suitable for bathing small children, while Baluota (or Balota) and Lanterna are beaches favoured by the older population (you get into the sea by climbing down or diving from the rocks). Many cafes and restaurants are a few dozen meters away from the beach, while the XL café and Monte restaurant are situated at the foot of the St. Euphemia church (about 50 meters from the beaches). The beaches are rocky, with no natural shade, so we recommend bringing along some refreshing beverages and headcovers. When the gale gets strong, the waves will make it even more difficult to get into the sea or out of it, so it is better to go for the beaches in one of the numerous Rovinj coves when it is windy.
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Dvigrad Ruins
Only a few kilometres west of Kanfanar, the remains of the mediaeval town of Dvigrad are located, which still dominates the Lim Fjord. During Illyrian times, two colonies existed which later, in early mediaeval times, became two towns, Parentino and Moncastello. The former quickly became extinct, whereas the latter, in the ownership of the Aquileian patriarch, developed further under the name of Duecastelli. Lateron, like the most part of the Istrian coast, Dvigrad fell under Venetian power. In the mid 17th century malaria and the plague were rifing in Istria, which didn't spare the citizens of Dvigrad either. Thus, in 1631 most of the 700 hundred inhabitants left the town, and the remaining three families left in 1714 when the church of St.Sophia was abandoned as well. The relics and the pulpit from the 14th century were transferred into the church of St. Silvester in Kanfanara, where the inhabitants of Dvigrad had moved as well. The town is very well maintained since it hadn't been destroyed in the wars that were ravaging through Istria, but rather because it was abandoned by the inhabitants of the town. The town gates still exist, as well as two circles of the town walls, some of the defence towers are maintained, as well as the most part of the 200 houses. The St. Sophia Church was an early Christian church with three naves which dominated the town and which was built on solid rock. Unfortunately, because the church wasn't being maintained, it decayed in the 19th century.
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Franciscan Monastery Rovinj
Rovinj represented an exception among the cities on the west coast by the lack of a Franciscan monastery during the first period of the existence of the order. Only at the end of the fifteenth century, the Diocese of San Geronimo decided to build one on the island of St. Andrew (Red Island) near Rovinj, upon the site of the Benedictine hospice and the church from the sixth century. According to tradition, the monastery was founded by St. John of Capistrano, a famous missionary engaged in the fight against the Turks. His body is kept in the Franciscan monastery of Ilok, in eastern Croatia. In 1807, after nearly four centuries after its foundation, the monastery of Saint Andrew was closed by Napoleonic authorities. In the early eighteenth century, the St. Anthony's Franciscan reformers built a new monastery in the north, in the continental part of the city, which was not yet connected to the mainland. In 1696 the City Council invited the Franciscans to come to Rovinj to erect a new hospice. The approval of the Doge Alvise Mocenigo arrived in 1700 and two years later, in 1702 the construction of the church and hospice began. On that occasion, for the first time explosive was used in Rovinj to derive rock tanks for rainwater.
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Civic Museum Rovinj
Located in the baroque palace of the XVII / XVIII century of the Count Caliphs, the museum was founded in 1954 on the initiative of some artists of Rovinj. Their idea was to gather the rich cultural heritage of the city in a single exhibition space. The museum serves as a town gallery and exhibits its precious collection to the public in a permanent exhibition. In its half-century of life it has gathered a rich collection that includes sections of contemporary art, old masters, archaeological, ethnological, books, documents and photographs on the activities of the partisan battalion Pino Budicin and more. The Museum houses one of the most important collections of ancient masters in Croatia, in particular the Italian masters from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century. The Renaissance is represented through works by artists from the circle of Giovanni Bellini and Bonifacio de Pitatija (Adoration of the Magi), while the most important exponents of Baroque are Marco Ricci (On the road to Emmaus), Antonio Zanchi, Jerome Romanin, Nicola Grassi, the school of Guido Reni and Bernardo Strozzi and others.
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The Old Town
The Old Town is where life started on what used to be an island secured by medieval walls. The city had seven gates, three of which have been preserved to this day: The Gate of St. Benedict, The Portica and The Gate of the Holy Cross. The first archeological traces of life date back to the Bronze Age, and the old city started developing in the 3rd century. The limited space conditioned the construction of narrow houses, narrow streets and small squares. It's an unique place to visit. The town clock and a small fountain are located on the main town square. The town clock once represented the tower on the south corner of the former town walls. Built in the 12th century, the tower was extended several times. The town clock with its Venetian lion, the symbol of Serenissima dating back to mid-19th century, was situated on the town gate fort near the Califfi Palace.
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Church of St. Euphemia
A small church of St. George used to be situated where the Church of St. Euphemia is located today. When St. Euphemia's sarcophagus was brought to Rovinj, the Church of St. George became too small for all the pilgrims. In the 10th century, the people of Rovinj started building a new, bigger church. It was a three-nave church with three projected apses and wooden statues of St. George and St. Euphemia. At the beginning of the 17th century, a new gold-plated stone statue was erected which until this day remains on the altar of the Saint. The church itself required with time more and more reparations, and the town population grew so that the people of Rovinj decided to build an even bigger church. The building process started in 1725 and lasted until 1736. Three main altars were built in 1741, and the organ was installed in 1754. The façade was designed and built in the second half of the 19th century. Many altars and paintings enrich and embellish the church from within.
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Porton Biondi Beach
The Porton Biondi Beach is located north of Rovinj, beneath the Camping Porton Biondi. From the direction of the old town of Rovinj, the beach can be reached on foot in about 15 minutes. If you arrive by car you have two parking zones: one is a small parking place located near the Fish Processing Factory Mirna, and the other, slightly larger, next to the rowing club Arupinum. The coast in this part of the predominantly rocky and difficult to access, but besides the camp are made concrete piers are designed for swimmers between which is applied to gravel. This has greatly embellished and facilitated entry into the sea or remaining on the beach. What beach Porton Biondi makes it particularly attractive for guests is a beautiful view of Rovinj peninsula which certainly contributed to the whole of the coast has become a very well visited in the last few years.
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Church of St.Thomas Rovinj
St. Thomas church is situated 4 kilometres north of Rovinj, next to the old railway line that led from Rovinj to a small place Kanfanar. This edifice has a cross ground plan lately completed by a church tower placed on its north side. There is a six metres high apse, semicircular on the inside part and polygonal on the outside part. Lateral windows are enriched by semi-circular apses as well, although being constructed of smaller size. These apses are connected with the central nave by a high semi-circular passage. In the north part of the church, the original paving was discovered along with the preserved stand of shrine partition with several niches for pilasters. Above the central part, the remains of arches that upheld the retracted construction high above the roofing are still visible. A radical constructional intervention was undertaken on the church in the 16th century, changing completely its original form. Since the lateral arches were walled in the whole edifice got one nave. The west part of the edifice was significantly shortened and altered by a new forepart with two square windows.
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Ucka Nature Park
Mount Učka is the ideal place for relaxation and recreational activities such as hiking. The view from its highest peak is definitely something not to be missed.
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Icici Beach
Cool beach. Plenty of entertainment: two volleyball courts, a trampoline, a playground,a children's inflatable playground on the water.The "NEMO" boat with a glass bottom runs once an hour. There are several cafes on the beach,a grocery store 20 meters from the beach.Free showers and toilets.You can rent boats and catamarans.
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Church of Our Lady of the Annunciation
This interesting neo-Romanesque building with three naves and a noticeable green dome dates from 1906. Its construction, to the designs of the architect Karl Seidl, was begun by the Austrians and continued by the Italians.
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Slatina Beach
Ready for an exciting day on the beach? How about refreshing yourself in the beautiful, clear sea in Opatija? Then join us at Slatina! The main town beach of Slatina is located in the heart of Opatija. The beach is partly concrete and partly sandy, which makes it an ideal choice for many swimmers. It is situated in the immediate vicinity of cafés, restaurants and sports facilities, which guarantees a fun and fulfilling day on the beach.
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Croatian Walk of Fame
The Croatian Walk of Fame project in Opatija was launched in 2005 by the Apriori Communications agency as a symbolic tribute to all the people whose sporting, scientific, cultural or artistic endeavours have contributed significantly to the worldwide promotion of Croatia. Potential candidates for inclusion are nominated by the project's independent Nomination Board consisting of several noted public individuals. From the board's nominations, readers of the media sponsors then cast their vote to decide which two candidates (one living, one awarded posthumously) should have their stars included in the Croatian Walk of Fame.
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Maiden with the Seagull
The girl with the seagull is a symbol of Opatija and the whole of Kvarner. An elegant statue on a rock along the coastal promenade Lungomare in Opatija hides an interesting story and the identity of a girl who has been a secret for decades. The story began back in 1891 when Count Arthur Kesselstadt tragically lost his life in a spring storm at sea in front of Opatija. Overwhelmed with pain, the count's family placed a sculpture "Madonna del Mare" on a rock by the sea to watch over his soul. Time left a mark on the sculpture and damaged it, but it was later restored. Today, the gilded replica is located next to the church of St. Jakov, and the original is kept in the Croatian Museum of Tourism in Villa Angiolina. When the place where the "Madonna" once stood was left empty, it was decided to place a new sculpture on it. The "Girl with the Seagull" was set up in 1956 on a location with a beautiful sea view. The scene is especially impressive at night, when the sculpture is illuminated by special spotlights, or during storms, when waves crash against the shore and water spills over the rocks, creating the impression of a nymph born from foam. That is why this statue is often called the "Opatija nymph".
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St. James' Park
Located right in the centre of Opatija, St. James’ Park is a recognisable landmark of the town. The well-manicured green lawns and the harmony of colourful flowers make a perfect setting next to the Church of St. James. The park is distinguished by its neo-baroque fountain with sculptures of Helios and Selene (the god of the Sun and goddess of the Moon in Greek mythology), a work by the sculptor Hans Rathausky. The park stretches down to the sea where the Juraj Šporer Art Pavilion is located – the venue of many artistic events and exhibitions.
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Madonna del Mare Statue
On the promontory in front of the one-time cemetery, a girl of stone extends her arm to a gull. This, however, is a new sculpture, the work of sculptor Car, and it was erected here in 1956 and turned into one of Opatija’s symbols. Before that, in its place, namely until demolished by a storm, stood the “Madonna del Mare,” the work of sculptor Rathausky from Graz (his also is the fountain “Helios and Selene” in the park between St. Jacob’s Church and hotel Imperial). The “Madonna” was erected to keep vigil over the soul of count Arthur Kesselstadt, who vanished, not far off from that promontory swallowed by the pre-Easter waves in 1891. During that excursion, the countess Fries also lost her life, but her son Georg was saved. Today a gilded variant of the Madonna can be seen in front of Saint Jacob’s Church.
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Villa Angiolina
Visit the Villa Angiolina, a former summer residence and today the seat of the Croatian Museum of Tourism. The museum hosts various exhibitions, workshops and projects that will explain to you why Opatija was a favourite destination for many historical figures. This is the building that certainly marked the beginning of the tourist epoch in the history of Opatija. Pending its building in 1844. (actually a reconstruction of an older building owned by baron Haller von Hallerxtein); Opatija was a relatively large settlement with about 120 houses, clustered mainly around plots further away from the sea coast and chiefly oriented towards fishing and seafaring. With the arrival of Iginio Scarpa, a patrician from Rijeka, and building of his summer house Angiolina (named after Scarpa’s then already deceased wife, originating from the Sartori family), Opatija opened her doors to a whole line of guests and passengers, among whom it is noteworthy to mention the Austrian empress Mary Ann, the botanist Heinrich Noë, the croatian ban Josip Jelačić and others who in their enthusiasm for the local vegetation and climate spread the fame about Opatija and thus prepared the ground for the future health resort.
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Open Air Theatre
Opatija, this jewel of the Adriatic Sea, with its tradition in tourism of more than 160 years is one of the best known destinations in Croatia. Situated on the eastern rim of the Mediterranean basin, on the coast of the Kvarner Bay, at the foot of the Učka Mountain slopes
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Mlaka Park
Mlaka Park, also known as Giardino Pubblico, is one of the oldest and most beautiful parks in Rijeka. It was designed in 1874 by Filibert Bazarig, PhD as indicated be based on the proposals of Rijeka’s mayor at the time, Giovanni Ciotta as a kind of frontier between the city centre and the western suburbs as well as the announcement of the historical centre for those arriving from that direction into the centre. Originally a spacious park irrigated by natural resources, it was once a favourite popular meeting point, although today it occupies a smaller area due to the construction of buildings that have been constructed around it in its surroundings over time. In spite of its reduced size, this park located close to the train station is still a pleasant place for relaxation and walking.
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Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Rijeka
The museum has its roots in the Fine Arts Gallery built in 1948. Six years later, in 1954, the 1954 Salon was founded - the Exhibition of Contemporary Sculpture and Painting in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY). This was the first group exhibition of the modern fine arts production of the former state. In 1960 it started the Biennale of Young Artists and in 1968 it presented the International Exhibition of Original Drawings. Since 1990 it has been presenting Croatian artists at the European and Mediterranean Biennale of Young Artists. In 1962 the institution changed its name to the Rijeka Modern Gallery and in 2003 to the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art. The Museum is working on a number of collections. These are collections of works by national artists Božidar Rašica, Romolo Venucci and Slavko Grčko, as well as collections of drawings, graphics, sculptures, posters, paintings, photographs and media art. The exhibition activities take place in Krešimirova Street.
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Rijeka is reflected in Korzo, at Korzo you can read Rijeka. Anyone who, at least once, had a coffee at one of the terraces of numerous and picturesque café bars lined along this unusual promenade, would agree.
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City Tower Rijeka
City Tower, a symbol of Rijeka and a good example of a typical round tower access-point, which lead into the fortified town. Today it dominates the central part of Korzo, although during its lifetime it was overtopped by more recently constructed buildings. It was built in the Middle Ages, probably on the foundations of the Late Antique littoral town gates. Some baroque phases of its construction can be seen on the lower part of the front of the Tower, which are characterised by a richly decorated portal, an imperial coat of arms carved out of stone and relief of the Austrian emperors Leopold and Charles VI. Rijeka paid them special respect due to the maritime orientation they introduced into the state policies of the Austrian court. The Tower’s superstructure, on which a city clock has been situated since the 17th century, has been remodelled several times; most significantly at the turn of the 18th century under the guidance of municipal engineer A. Gnamb, the last time was at the end of the 19th century, based on a design by F. Bazarig.
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Ivan Kobler Square
Passing under the round City Tower, the former main medieval town entrance that gave access to the coast, you enter the centre of Rijeka’s Old Town. Located in the modern-day Ivan Kobler Square, there was once a more compact municipal centre called Placa, which served the significantly smaller fortified medieval town. The most knowledgeable historical interpretations of Rijeka Town present it as vertically elongated, framed to the north and south by the City Tower and the Town Hall, and to the east and west by chains of houses. The northern part of Rijeka was dominated by the lord's castle, the eastern part featured the main commoners’ church with a cemetery, to the west there was a spacious cloistered enclosure, and here, in the south quarter, near the embankment and the beach market under the town walls, there was the vibrant heart of the Town. There, the citizens of Rijeka would meet to listen to the proclamations of the Town Crier, seal contracts and buy and sell on the open market or in stores situated in the ground floors of houses. Only traces of those houses remain now, with several old walls integrated into more modern buildings, a baroque lintel with the former owner’s coat of arms and an arched underground corn house. In the near past was the former town “Greenmarket” where fruit and vegetables were sold.
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Principia at Tarsatica
The Old Gate or the Roman Arch is not, as was assumed earlier, a Roman triumphal arch, but a monumental main entrance into the heart of the military headquarters of the late Roman empire Tarsatica, an ancient town on whose ruins medieval Rijeka rose. The people of Rijeka were right to trust their instincts and call it simply The Gate; the term Roman Arch became gradually more accepted from the time of Classicism when the documentation and the research of this monument began. The profiled facade of the Arch has been preserved only in fragments, the other parts fell off a long time ago or have been taken away to be incorporated into the houses of medieval Rijeka. The Tarsatica Principia was the main camp, the supply base and the starting point of the Claustra Alpia Iuliarum, dozens of kilometres long intermittent defence walls, towers, guard stations, and larger fortifications positioned in key communication lines and elevated points, with the aim of stopping barbaric invasions towards Italy, the heart of the Roman Empire.
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Rijeka Tunnel
How many times have you visited a military facility as a tourist? Not very often is our guess. Well, Rijeka offers a rare opportunity to do exactly that. And it will lead you underground in the process. The first military tunnel opened exclusively for tourist visits is waiting for you in the very centre of the city. The decision to build the tunnel arose from the fact that the city sprung up at the crossroads of several historical states, which is why it also became an area of particular military significance. The frequent shifting of borders led to the construction of fortifications. Most of them were built in the years leading up to World War II, during the construction of the so-called Alpine Wall (Vallo Alpino), which was supposed to protect the border between the Kingdom of Italy and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. The construction of subterranean strongholds, military warehouses, passages and bunkers began in 1931 in order to make the city less susceptible to cannon fire. The entrance to the tunnel is located next to the Cathedral of St. Vitus and it stretches below the Old Town to the Dolac Primary School. The 330-m long tunnel, which was dug into bedrock from 1939 to 1942 by the Italian military in order to protect civilians from aerial bombings, descends to a depth of 10 m in several places. It is 4 m wide and 2.5 m high on average. The main tunnel bore branches off in two directions, one leading towards the old city hall building and the other to the Cathedral of St. Vitus.
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St. Vitus Cathedral
St. Vitus’ Cathedral is the only Baroque rotunda of monumental proportions built on Croatian soil. The construction of this church, designed by the Jesuit architect G. Briano, began in 1638. It was made on the model of the famous Venetian church of Santa Maria della Salute.
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Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Coast
The museum is headquartered in the former Governor's Palace, a historicist edifice and protected cultural monument. The Governor's Palace was constructed in 1896 and designed by Alajos Hauszmann, one of the foremost Hungarian architects during the time when Rijeka was under Hungarian rule. Today, the palace houses the Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral, which was established in 1961 and comprises maritime, historical and cultural, ethnographic and archaeological departments. Some of the original items from the Governor's Palace, such as furniture and artisan craft-work, have been preserved and exhibited in salons on the first floor. The permanent exhibition of the museum provides an interactive and modern platform for showcasing the long, rich and tumultuous history and culture of living in the area of what is today Primorje-Gorski Kotar County from prehistoric times to the present day. The Lipa Pamti Memorial Centre (Lipa Remembers), which is dedicated to the victims of the Lipa massacre that took place on 30 April 1944, is also a part of the museum. In addition to its memorial heritage, the Memorial Centre interprets the entire cultural, historical and ethnographical heritage of the Liburnian Karst region (Rupa, Pasjak, Šapjane and Brce) from prehistoric times to the present day.