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NatureViews, Cuzco

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Machu Picchu
Machu Picchu is an Incan city surrounded by temples, terraces and water channels, built on a mountaintop. It was built with huge blocks of stone joined to each other without any mortar. Today it has been designated cultural heritage of humanity in recognition of its political, religious and administrative importance during the age of the Incas. Machu Picchu means Old Mountain, taking its name from the location of the Incan citadel. According to historians, the architectural complex was built in the 15th century, approximately, by the Inca Pachacutec. Machu Picchu was linked to the entire Inca Empire via the Qhapaq Ñan, the famous roads of the Incas. The citadel is divided into two areas: the agricultural area consisting of the terraces, and the urban section, which served administrative purposes. The average altitude of the citadel is 8047 feet above sea level. Its exact location is in the Machu Picchu district, province of Urubamba, 70 miles northeast of the city of Cusco. The mountains of Wayna Picchu and Machu Picchu are perfect for taking panoramic photos of the entire architectural complex.
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Uros Floating Islands
Have you ever though of living on a middle of the lake? The Uros people of Lake Titicaca have achieved just that at 3,810 metres above sea level! They created their own floating island from local reed to house their villages. They fish and travel by boat from one island to another. You can visit the islands with a tour and see how the people of Uros live or book a homestay with a local Uros family to fully experience their way of life.
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Martin Cardenas Botanical Garden
This large Botanical Garden of approximately two hectares, It is named after the illustrious Doctor Martin Cardenas, Cochabamba, who devoted much of his life to the study of Botany on the flora of Bolivia traveling throughout the country. The garden has the purpose of contribute to the conservation of those resources plant of the region, conducting scientific research and teaching through its facilities on areas of Botany and the environment. The garden has various sections like the area of Cactus, Bromeliads, Amarilis, Arboretum with species native and exotic. There are also sections of medicinal plants and nursery. There is also the herbal forest national "Martín Cárdenas", created in 1976 and that account with approximately 40,000 species of all Bolivia at the facilities of the Universidad Mayor de San Simón, In addition to a library specialized in themes of Botany. The garden paths allow you to discover different species shown comfortably, In addition to recreation areas to enjoy nature and a relaxing walk.
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Moon and Mars Valley
The peculiar rocky formations and dunes of Moon Valley (Valle de la Luna) and the changing colours of Mars Valley (Valle de Marte) and the Salt Mountains are an attraction that you can’t miss while visiting the Atacama Desert. At night, both places become the most romantic spot for stargazing. Found just a few minutes from San Pedro de Atacama, you can get to these mystical settings on bike, trek around them and enjoy sandboarding on the dunes. Visit them and appreciate the overwhelming shadows that the desert displays.
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El Tatio Geysers
Get up before dawn to enjoy the show just as the sun rises, with the craters of El Tatio as the main attraction. Located 4,200 meters above sea level, its fumaroles (smoke from the geysers) create amazing white steam columns which are at their best between 6 and 7 in the morning. On your morning outing see how the local endemic wildlife (viscachas, vicunas, nandues) and other birds leave their hiding spots, looking for their breakfast among the yaretas (fern like plants) and giant cacti. Tired? Finish your day in the healing hot springs that the destination offers.
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Los Flamencos National Reserve
In the enormity of the desert, you’ll find lagoons, salt flats, and mountains that are intertwined with the landscape. Together they create magical sights! The Los Flamencos National Reserve invites you to enjoy the beauty of the landscape around it. The diverse climatic conditions of its seven areas will surprise you as you become one with your surroundings. You can see its variety of flora and fauna where flamingos take center stage. Walk along the trails around the spectacular altiplanic lagoons, discover the Chaxa Tourist Center and see how the sun sets behind Moon Valley (Valle de la Luna).
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Atacama Salt Flat
Center-stage of many surprises, the 3,000 square kilometer salt lake is an unbeatable sight. Home to Andean birds and a large lithium reserve, its thick crust forms heaps that crackle at sundown when temperatures drop quickly. The Atacama Salt Flat is one of the main attractions of the Los Flamencos National Reserve. Be amazed by the large number of long-legged birds that nest and feed in its “watery eyes”, like those of the Chaxa Lagoon. Keep your eyes wide open to try to spot the differences between the Andean, Chilean and James flamingos.
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Chicamocha National Park
Chicamocha National Park in Panachi, about 50km from Bucaramanga, to see the world’s longest cable cart. This cart is no less than 6 km long and contains 39 cabins, each of which has a capacity of eight passengers. The system covers the entire Chicamocha canyon from La Mesa de los Santos to Panachi and includes three stations in between, allowing people to get out for a moment and enjoy the park by foot.
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Parana River
A special feature of the Paraná, one of the fastest running and longest rivers in the world, is that it runs between high cliffs. To the North of Rosario, upstream, the river opens up into a delta, reaching a width of up to fifty kilometers when it passes by the city. Due to this characteristic of the river, hundreds of islands lie on its banks and enable visitors to enjoy large fine sandy beaches, thus offering a unique natural scenery for beholding or resting, and at the same time practice water sports along the channels.
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Anton Valley
In the mountains of the district of Coclé lies the small town El Valle de Antón, known as the second largest inhabited volcano crater. Once a crater lake it became home to Indians from the surrounding mountains. The microclima here, next to the cloud forest created amazing varieties of flora and fauna. Also El Valle is one of the best places in Panama for watching tropical birds. You will find them in the valley and in the cloud forest of the Gaital Monument.
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Metropolitan Natural Park
The Metropolitan National Park is a 232 hectares forest located in Panama City. Some of the tree species that you can admire here are the wild cashew, luehea semannii, gumbo-limbo, guanacaste and yellow mombin, amongst others.
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Monkey Island and Gatun Lake
The Monkey Island Day Tour is boat exploration of Lake Gatun and a great opportunity to see 4 different species of monkey, all within 40 minutes of Panama’s capital city. You will also see many other animal species such as Crocks, Toucans, Sloths and many exotic birds. The tour also gives you the chance to bath in spring fed natural pools and kayak in the lake.
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San Blas Islands
The San Blas islands are a group of islands in the archipelago de San Blas, located in the Northwest of Panama facing the Caribbean Sea. There are 378 islands within the archipelago and they are scattered around in an area of about 100 square miles. If you leave the Golfo de San Blas by boat you will enter the Caribbean Sea. The majority of the 378 islands have no inhabitants, but on the larger ones you will find the gentle native people known as the Kuna’s. These people can be found on the larger inhabited Islands; Aguja Island, Guanidup Island, Chichimei, Yandup Island and El Porvenir. You may ask yourself What is san blas? San Blas is an autonomous territory in Panama formerly called Kuna Yala. The San Blas Islands are the number #1 vacation destination in Panama and probably in Central America. The native people living on the Islands of San Blas call themselves Kuna’s or Guna’s. The district/region in Panama where you can meet the native inhabitants is officially named after them; Guna Yala or Kuna Yala.
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The Colon and Bolivar peaks
The Colón and Bolivar peaks the highest points of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (at 5,775 and 5560 meters above sea level, respectively) and are considered sacred places by the ancient Tayrona culture, whose descendants are responsible for ensuring for environmental balance of this zone.
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Ibirapuera Park
Opened in 1954, during Sao Paulo's 400th anniversary, the Ibirapuera Park has a 1.6 million m² area and sports courts, bicycle racks and restaurants. The project was led by Oscar Niemeyer, the architect who created most of the buildings in Brasilia. It also involved several professionals, such as architects Ulhoa Cavalcanti and Zenon Lotufo, besides landscapers Burle Marx and Augusto Teixeira Mendes. The Ibirapuera has been elected "one of the 10 best urban parks in the world" by The Guardian, and it gathers athletes in the running lanes, soccer courts and open gym equipment. It also charms people looking for culture. The Museu de Arte Contemporânea (Contemporary Art Museum), the Museu de Arte Moderna (Modern Art Museum), the Museu Afro Brasil (Afro Brazil Museum), the Auditorio Ibirapuera (Ibirapuera Auditorium), the Pavilhão Japonês (Japanese Pavilion) and the Oca are all in the park. Take the time to also visit the Museu de Arte de São Paulo (Masp), which is only 6 km away.
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The Lanin Volcano
The logistics of the ascent foresee some essential actions regarding the weather, the apparel, the mountain gear and the trails that must be covered along the steep volcanic hillsides. Covering the distance from the base to the summit of the Lanín Volcano is a challenge many sportspeople want to face at some point in their lives. The circumstances in Junín de los Andes are ideal to go through such memorable experience. Even though the mountain features steep sides, the hardest hardship is presented when it comes to caution about the wind and visibility.
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Augusto Ruschi Ecology Reserve
The place is opened to the public for didactic visitation guided by technicians, with carefully elaborated tracks, showing aspects of typical ecosystems: paludosa forest, restingas, swamps, beach, sea rocks and Tabuleiro forest. Various uncommun attractives of the landscape provide a pleasant sightseeing pleasure and direct contact with the nature, good of seeing, feeling, to hear and to smell.
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Roberto Burle Marx Park
Roberto Burle Marx Municipal Park, better known as "Parque da Cidade", located in São José dos Campos - SP, occupies an area of ​​about one million square meters that was part of the former Parahyba Weaving Farm. In this vast perimeter are sheltered a great diversity of plant species and a beautiful landscape composed of gardens, imperial palm trees, lakes, artificial islands, woods and boulevards. The gardens, by Roberto Burle Marx, and the Olivo Gomes Residence, designed by Rino Levi, make up an important work of modern architecture. One of the main attractions of the park is the contact with nature. It provides the user with pleasant walks on paths surrounded by dense vegetation consisting of native and exotic species and inhabited by rich wildlife.
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Los Arrayanes National Park
To the Southeast of the Quetrihué Peninsula, lies a natural treasure of the Los Arrayanes National Park. On the shores of Lake Nahuel Huapi, about 12 hectares concentrate magnificent giant myrtaceous bushes, best known as myrtles. From the mapuche term ketri, “myrtle” and hué, “site”, the forest of the peninsula has certain features that make it unique in the world: its specimens reach over 15 meters of height and 400 years of age. As ancient as they are beautiful, their thick trunks are covered by soft thin sheets that make up the cold bark dyed in a delicate cinnamon color.
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Botanical Garden of Rio De Janeiro
Founded in 1808 by D. João VI, the Botanical Garden is an important touristic side of the city and so much visited by researchers who study the hundreds species that are there. With total area of 137 hectares, being 54 of acreage, the Botanical Garden houses rare collections of bromeliads and orchids, as well as old trees and exotic plants. The Garden also has constructions in the beginning of the century XVI, saving a rich historical and cultural heritage. Between the monuments, we highlight the Eco and Narciso de mestre Valentim statues, the portal of the Academy of Fine Arts, projected by Grandjean de Montigny, and the Japonese Garden, created in 1935, from the donation of 65 species of tipical Japanese plants. The Park also is an excellent place to observe the birds, because there are more than hundred different species in the crowns and trunks of their trees
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Apart from being amazed by seeing Marvelous City's most beautiful landscapes, visitors will also take an educational trip throughout Brazil's recent history. Corcovado's Railway was the first of its kind to use electric energy in Brazil. It's even older than Christ's statue itself and was inaugurated in 1884 by Emperor Dom Pedro II. In fact, the train was used for four consecutive years at that time to carry parts of the monument. The train has already transported on its cars several distinguished personalities such as popes, kings, princes, presidents, artist and scientists! This is also an eco-tour. The train cuts through the world's largest urban forest: Tijuca's National Park, a part of the so-called Atlantic Forest, considered as an example of nature conservation. And everyone who travels on Corcovado's Railway helps take care of the forest: the train is moved by electricity; therefore, it's not contaminating whatsoever. In addition to that, part of the ticket sale will go to fundraising for Brazilian Institute of the Environment (IBAMA) which is in charge of forest conservation issues.
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Christ the Redeemer Statue
In the top of the mountain is installed Christ the redeemer, one of the most wanted touristic sides of Rio de Janeiro. Biggest and most famous scripture Art Déco of the world, the Christ statue started to be planned in 1921 and it was developed by the engineer Heitor da Silva Costa over 5 years of job, from 1926 to 1931, the opening year of the monument. It’s located at Parque Nacional da Tijuca, 710 meter above the sea level, where anybody can appreciate one of the most beautiful views of the city. Over all 220 steps that lead to the famous statue feet, it was elected one of the Seven Wonders of the World made by formal voting in 2007 by the Swiss Institution New 7 Wonders Foundation. The monument is accessible by train, van or car.
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Sugarloaf Mountain
From Praia Vermelha, the visitants take the first tram links to the Urca hill, and from there, a second tram takes them until the top of the Sugar loaf hill, it stays 396 meters of the sea level. Different histories justify the name of this touristic side; the most popular says that during the centuries XVI and XVIII, at the peak of the production of sugar cane, the producers stored sugar blocks in little boxes to be exported, and the resemblance of the object with Sugar loaf mountain gave origin to the name. Inaugurated in 1912, the little tram of the Sugar loaf was the first Brazilian cable car and the third in the world, linking the Urca hill to the Sugar loaf mountain. Since then, more than 40 million of people have already used that cable cars. From the high of the two mountains revels a gorgeous landscapes of the city, including the Botafogo cave, Copacabana edge and the entrance of Guanabara bay. In the summer, the amphitheater, located in the top of Urca hill is a stage for shows and night events, joining fun and a wonderful visual of lights of the city.
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Chiloe National Park
Chiloé National Park is dominated by the Valdivian rain forest with a dense forest formed by trees, Evergreen, shrubs and climbing plants. In addition to the vegetation, its main attractions are the Cucao Lake, coastal dunes, and colonies of sea lions. This park is situated in the western region of the Isla Grande de Chiloé, which is an extension of the divided coastal mountain range. Created in 1982, the park has an area of 43,057 hectares (94,725 acres) divided into two areas: Chepu (in the district of Ancud) and Abtao, which belongs to the districts of Castro, Chonchi, and Dalcahue. The most attractive places in the park are the following: the Chanquín area, where lake Cucao and the coastal dunes are located; the mouth of the Abtao river and its diverse vegetation; Metalqui island and its colony of sea lions; the easily accessible Huelde lake and the Cole-Cole area, located north of Punta Huentemó, where there is a beach suitable for fishing, walking, and horseback riding.
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Brownes Beach
Brownes Beach is the closest to Bridgetown. At only a five minute walk from the city centre, this beach is majestic with close to a half-mile of sand. Liveliest on Sundays, Brownes Beach is home to most beach sporting activities, the Barbados Yacht Club and Barbados Cruising Club. Beach facility. Lifeguards are on duty.
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Pebbles Beach
A beautiful stretch of beach on the south of Bridgetown, Pebbles beach has crystal clear water and beautiful views of the city. Lifeguard on duty. Beach facility.
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Gros Piton
Visiting St Lucia is certainly a must- do experience all its own, but what you do while you are there will make a big difference in how you remember the island. The Pitons, St Lucia’s two volcanic mountains, are certainly some of the island’s best features, and a Gros Piton hike is an experience unlike any other. Gros Piton stands a remarkable 2,619 feet above sea level, and coupled with Petit Piton, it is the hallmark of St Lucia’s western coast. From the peak, you can see not only the gorgeous waters of the Caribbean, but a vast portion of the island itself. A Gros Piton hike tour is the only way to see the island from this vantage point, and the experience you will have standing at the top makes it absolutely worthwhile. When you decide to climb Gros Piton, you will experience the literal definition of high adventure. While it is possible to climb both Gros Piton and Petit Piton, only the former is legally sanctioned by the government of St Lucia. Petit Piton is much steeper and more dangerous, while Gros Piton offers safe hiking and a much more astonishing view. The ascent can be a bit steep in some parts, but the hike is not too difficult for most travelers.
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Harrison's Cave
At the heart of Barbados lies one of its greatest wonders - the magnificent Harrison’s Cave. Located in the central uplands of the island, this crystallized, limestone cave is characterized by flowing streams, deep pools of crystal clear water and towering columns. Harrison’s Cave derives its name from Thomas Harrison, who was a prominent landowner in the area during the early 1700s. It is not clear whether Mr. Harrison ever entered the cave that bears his name, but others certainly did! Gaze in wonder at the white flow stones and in awe at the beauty of the speleothems which adorn the cave. Harrison’s Cave is a gem of an experience, so be sure to visit and unearth the adventure!
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Petit Piton
Are you looking for an adventure that is beyond compare? Are you daring, brave, and willing to scale a mountain where you often find yourself with nothing but roots or ropes to hold onto? Hiking Petit Piton is not for the faint of heart, but for those real adventure seekers out there, Real St Lucia Tours can make your dream of a Petit Piton tour a reality. When you choose Real St Lucia Tours for your Piton hike, you will travel with an experienced guide. The climb itself is quite difficult, but you will find yourself surrounded by lush rainforests and the view from the top is one that simply can't be rivaled. From the majesty of Soufriere and Gros Piton to the lush blue waters beneath you, you will definitely want to bring a camera on this adventure so that you can take photos from the summit. Hiking Petit Piton is a challenge unlike any other, but it is also one of the most rewarding adventures of a lifetime. If you are an experienced climber looking for some real adventure while in St Lucia, contact Real St Lucia Tours today to set up a hike. You certainly won't regret your decision once you see the view from the top!
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Hunte's Gardens
Take a relaxing wander through these beautifully landscaped gardens, where antiques and statues mingle with exotic plants, and gentle opera and classical music float in the air. The owner, Anthony Hunte, is one of Barbados’ most colourful characters. If available, he will regale visitors with tales.
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Bottom Bay
Tucked away on the south coast, past the Crane Beach and Sam Lord's Castle is Bottom Bay, a wide expansive beach with smooth rolling waves riding onto the shore. The beach is semi enclosed by high coral cliffs, providing a panoramic view of the south shore. The scene is completed by the presence of tall palm trees that add to the peaceful and relaxing atmosphere of the bay. A favourite picnic spot, Bottom Bay is also becoming a popular place to live with a number of homes are being built on top of the cliffs overlooking the beach and ocean. People who live there report spotting turtles and whales in the waters below.
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Flower Forest Botanical Gardens
Find your missing Peace. The Flower Forest is a perfect place to retreat from the hustle of the world for a few hours. Breathe the pure, clean oxygen in the easterly breezes that have just crossed an entire ocean, and feel a peace come over you. The heart of the garden is one of the most romantic, serene places in Barbados. A quiet gazebo, numerous, strategically-placed benches, views over the hills, amazing tropical flowers, a shaded forest of peace and tranquillity. Large indoor/outdoor pavilion where you can gather your thoughts, taking in the sounds of the birds in the forest, order a fantastic lunch with local fish cakes, flying fish, or perhaps a simple cup of lemongrass or bay leaf tea to soothe the soul….
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Diamond Falls Botanical Gardens
The Diamond Falls are consistently described as one of the natural wonders of St Lucia. Diamond Falls Botanical Gardens, a six acre multi-award winning tourism site, is an attractive, alluring and peaceful retreat from the outside world. Enjoy the beauty and sultry warmth of the tropics whilst walking through lush fertile vegetation and marvelling at the diverse range of tropical flowers and plant life. You have just stepped into a world with a breathtaking waterfall, hot mineral springs fill the historical baths with age old medicinal waters and flora and fauna abounds. The Diamond Falls Botanical Gardens is both a historic and a naturally beautiful site. A haven for birds and insects, which gives one a true nature experience not to be duplicated anywhere within the Caribbean.
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Andromeda Botanic Gardens
Andromeda Gardens was established by the renowned Iris Bannochie as a private family garden. Previously farmland, Mrs Bannochie created a unique garden from scratch with many trees, palms and other plants collected from her travels across the globe. The variety of plants in this historic garden is unparalleled and simply wonderful – a true horticultural delight. She bequeathed the garden to the Barbados National Trust in 1988 and only organic practices are used in the garden. Andromeda Botanic Gardens is simply a work of creative genius. Creativity extends to the recently opened Andromeda Gallery Lounge which provides an opportunity for local artists/craftspeople to display and sell their work. Mahogany sculptures, hand-made soaps and perfumes, bags, art and photography are all available at the Gallery Lounge. Great garden, cool café, creative crafts, life-long learning. Andromeda Botanic Gardens – an amazing garden and so much more!
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Farley Hill National Park
Once the site of a beautiful mansion built by Sir Graham Briggs for the entertainment of royalty including King George V in 1879, today Farley Hill has been designated a national park by Barbadian Government. And though the mansion itself was destroyed by fire in 1965, the gutted remains still stand and provide an ideal setting for a picnic and a day of fun in the park, while offering stunning views of the island’s southern point.