The RMG houses a permanent collection of over 4,500 works, The Thomas Bouckley Collection, an outdoor public sculpture and 4 galleries of changing exhibitions, an art library and archives. Each of these collections tells the continuing story of Canadian modern and contemporary art.
The Thomas Bouckley Collection was donated to the RMG by the late Thomas Bouckley, collector and history enthusiast of Oshawa. The computerized collection comprises over 3,000 historical photographs of Oshawa and Durham Region, spanning over 100 years. The collection is a remarkable resource for understanding and engaging with Oshawa’s local history.
The RMG Library is the largest library in Durham Region devoted to fine art and the history of visual arts, and the largest and most comprehensive art library located between Toronto and Kingston. It is available to those interested in art for pleasure or serious research. Library resources include art books, artist monographs, artists’ files, clipping books, Canadian exhibition catalogues, slides, auction catalogues and an extensive journal collection.