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Nuremberg Zoo

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Whoever has experienced the wide variety and idylls of Nuremberg Zoo will come back again. The elegant movements of the dolphins and sea lions in the dolphin lagoon, the tropical atmosphere in the manatee house and the feeding of the polar bears in the Aqua Park provide an unforgettable experience. Young visitors have time to stroke and feed the animals in the children's zoo and run around in the huge playground. 3295 animals of 292 different species can be seen at the Nuremberg Zoo!

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Imperial Castle
The Imperial Castle atop the rocky promontory above Nuremberg was one of the most important fortified imperial palaces of the Old Holy Roman Empire.
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St. Sebaldus Church
Nuremberg's oldest city parish church was built around 1215 as a three-aisled Late Romanesque pillared basilica with two choirs. As early as 1309 the original side aisles were widened and altered in the Gothic style.
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Altenburg Castle
Altenburg castle is perched on top of Bamberg's highest hill and is one of Bamberg's major landmarks.
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Cathedral Square
One of the most impressive squares, featuring architectural styles from all periods.The Imperial Cathedral with four spires is perched on top of one of Bamberg's seven hills and forms the heart of the city and the region's most significant edifice. St. Peter's and St. Paul's Cathedral was originally established by Heinrich II, who founded the diocese of Bamberg in 1007.
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Rose Garden
The Rose Garden in the inner court of the New Residence is not only filled with a sea of fragrant flowers but it also reveals a beautiful view of Michaelsberg and the Old Town.
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The Margravial Opera House
The Margravial Opera House is considered the most beautiful Baroque Theatre in Europe and was declared a World Heritage Site by the UNESCO on 30 June 2012. It was elected on the list of the TOP 100 attractions in Germany in 2014.
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Eremitage - Old Palace
Several kilometres outside the town, the Hermitage Palace, which later became known as the Old Palace, dominates the extensive park with its tree-covered slopes that rises above the Roter Main river.
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Palace Church and Tower
This church from Margravine Wilhelmine and Margrave Friedrich in which the Prince wanted to be buried later was built in the centre of Bayreuth from 1753 – 1758. Fulfilling their desire, they were buried in a tomb with their daughter Frederike, Duchess of Württemberg.
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Medieval Crime and Justice Museum
Gruesome, scary or just: highly informative. This is one way to describe the Medieval Crime and Justice Museum of Rothenburg ob der Tauber. Housed in the building of the former Johannis Cloister of the town, it is directly adjacent to the St. Johannis Church. And this is exactly where you entered the town through the Red Gate around 1400. But what can visitors expect in the Medieval Crime and Justice Museum? And is it also suitable for children?
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St. James Church
The name of the church is already an indicator: Rothenburg ob der Tauber is situated along the Ways of Saint James to Santiago de Compostela. Over 1000 pilgrims arrive at St. James Church each year. World-famous: the impressive Holy Blood Altar by Tilman Riemenschneider. This is something you can’t miss – but a detailed visit of St. James Church, built from 1311 to 1484, is worthwhile for many other reasons. We’ll tell you why.A relic in a Protestant church? It might seem strange at first sight, but it actually makes sense. The Riemenschneider altar was not destroyed during the shift of faith (St. James was once an early Christian church and till 1554 a catholic one). The wooden altar in the western high choir represents the last supper. The relic is in the cross above the detailed carvings – wine from the mass, the blood of Jesus, was poured on a cloth. The altar offers several other surprising features: It’s recommended that you participate in one of the daily church tours of St. James so you don’t miss any of the altar’s secrets.
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Rothenburgs Castle Garden
Where is the castle (or “Burg”) in Rothenburg ob der Tauber? You often hear this question and just as often get disappointed faces in return. Because there hasn’t been a castle in Rothenburg ob der Tauber for a long time – the former Stauferburg was destroyed. However, the disappointment soon vanishes, because in the castle’s location is Rothenburg’s green oasis, the Castle Garden. What’s so special about the Castle Garden? And where in the Castle Garden do you get the best views? We explain why it’s worthwhile to spend some time in Rothenburg’s Castle Garden.
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St Matthaeus Church
St Matthäus Church was the first Protestant parish church in Ingolstadt and is the oldest Bavarian church built in this style. The church has a brick architecture typical of the era in which it was built and a striking façade with a single tower. Situated close to the venerable Franciscan Basilica, it still lends a particular appeal to the squares around Schrannenstrasse and Holzmarkt today.
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The most beautiful of all the city's preserved gates, the cross gate, leads from the west into the Old Town. Four small corner towers and sparingly used limestone decorations embellish the red brick gateway tower from the late 14th century, a Romantic witness to medieval architecture.
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The New Castle
In 1418, Ludwig the Bearded laid the foundation stone for the Neue Veste (New Citadel), in the centre of which rises the Neues Schloss. Today, 17 richly decorated cannons in the castle courtyard reflect the scale of the weapons arsenal at that time.
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Regensburg Old Town Hall
Today, after numerous additions and alterations, you can admire the three-section building complex dating from the 13th century which consists of the Town Hall tower, the Gothic Imperial Chamber building and the baroque Town Hall. From 1663 to 1806 the Perpetual Imperial Assembly met in the Imperial Chamber. It was there that the well-known expressions “to put something on the long bench” (to postpone something) and “to sit at the green table” (to take important decisions) originated.
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Historic Town Hall
One of the oldest town halls in Germany and witness to the historical change in Jena. Admire the astronomical clock from the 15th century and "Schnapphans" (snatching Hans), one of the "Seven Wonders" of Jena.
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The Stone Bridge
A Wonder of the World: The Stone Bridge. The people of Regensburg were obviously brilliant bridge-builders way back in the 12th century. The “Bruckmandl” however, the little statue on the bridge, didn’t take up his breezy position there till the middle of the 16th century.
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Thurn and Taxis Palace
This magnificent palace emerged from the buildings of the former Benedictine monastery of St. Emmeram. In connection with the abolition of the postal rights the royal house of Thurn and Taxis purchased the greatest part of the monastery buildings in 1810 and extended them to make them their permanent residence.
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The Residence Palace
The Residence Palace – The “Castle above all Castles”! The Residence Palace is one of Europe’s most renowned Baroque castles and has been registered as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site in 1981.
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Dom St. Kilian (cathedral)
"St. Kilian” is a prime example of the architectural style during the time of the Salian kings. It is the fourth largest Romanesque cathedral in Germany and is home to exquisite artifacts from many centuries.
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Festung Marienberg
The Fortress Marienberg is the most dominating feature of the city; it towers above it all. Take a tour and learn about its history.Fortress Marienberg is visible from seemingly everywhere in Würzburg.
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13 August 2022

Народные немецкие гуляния, много свиных рулек, пива и веселых песен
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Schaezler Palace
City residence of the banker Liebert von Liebenhofen with a richly furnished rococo banqueting hall (1765-1770), today Germany’s most important baroque gallery.
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St. Ulrichs churches
Catholic St. Ulrich’s church: a richly furnished late Gothic basilica built in the architectural styles of Renaissance and Baroque.
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Крепость Wertheim

13 August 2022

Старая крепость, постренная в бородатые средневековые 1100 годы, и уже потом достроенная местными баронами в 16-17 веке. Бойницы, укрепленные валы, башни, все как должно быть у приличных средневековых людей
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Augsburg Puppenkiste (Puppet Theatre)
Die Kiste,” the museum of the Augsburg Puppet Theatre, is found one floor above the theater in the Heilig-Geist-Spital, a former hospital now preserved as an historical monument
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Город Wertheim am Main

13 August 2022

Классический немецкий городок Wertheim am Main. Настоящая Бавария с легко узнаваемой южной архитектурой, пряничными домиками и церковью на главной площади
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Trausnitz Castle
The castle, located above Landshuts and visible from afar, has only been called "Trausnitz" since the 16th century. Until then, it had the same name as the city itself. According to this, the castle was to grant the country "protection" and protection. Under Ludwig the Kelheimer, the founder of Burg and Stadt Landshut in 1204 and an important historical figure at the time of the Crusades, the Wittelsbach main castle had grown to the extent of today's core castle. In 1235, when Emperor Friedrich II was visiting Landshut, the castle was essentially completed. Today the tour takes visitors to the castle through medieval halls such as the impressive vaulted hall of the Alten Dürnitz and the castle chapel with their important sculptural decoration and the winged altars of the rich dukes. Arched cabinets, panelled parlours and the famous stairway with the monumental painted scenes from the Italian Commedia dell'arte represent the era of the Renaissance. The culmination of the castle tour is the view from the Söller on the city.
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Gemünden am Main

28 October 2023

Густые зелёные леса посреди иделлического природного ландшафта, исторический старый город, руины Шеренбурга высоко над городскими крышами - таким предстанет перед посетителями Гемюнден на Майне.
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Монастырь Кройсберг

9 July 2023

На мой взгляд, самое лучшее пиво в мире! Монастырь Kreuzberg в Баварии, монахи варят пиво по "секретному", как они говорят, рецепту. В реальности, никаких секретов: отличный солод, свежесть - я спросил местных работников, они сказали что то пиво, что нам налили, сварили сегодня. И еще они добавляют травы, которые монахи собирают в горах. Между прочим, это не рекламная байка, трава чувствуется в пиве А потом мы пошли по лесу. Мне доверили держать Крёйсберговское пиво которое мы купили в монастыре, и я обнимал его, и лучистая пивная энергия, которая шла из большого темного бутыля, проникала в самое сердце, и становилось спокойно
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Lustheim Palace
Exemplary pleasure palace with novel (for the time) ceiling frescoes. Maximilian Emanuel's "hunting palace" was built to celebrate his marriage to the Emperor's daughter, Maria Antonia, in June 1685. The palace houses an outstanding collection of Meissen porcelain from the Ernst Schneider Foundation. The collection includes over 2,000 valuable plates, table centerpieces and animal figures, and is surpassed only by the collection in the Dresdner Zwinger Palace.
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Olympic Park
At Olympiaberg in Munich, every skier can find just the right slope. The highest hill in the city offers a variety of options for descending: gently descending slopes for everyone who wants to learn to ski and bobsled, and steep descents for those who like to fly across the snow. The Olympic Park in northern Munich is well known beyond the borders of the capital city. The unique tent architecture of the buildings and the Olympic Tower are some of Munich’s well known landmarks. After the Olympic Games in 1972, a 300-hectare-sized park was developed into a recreation center for the entire city. Joggers, cyclists, and walkers take their laps here, and swimmers do lengths in the Olympic swimming facility. At over 50 meters (150 feet) high, the Olympic Hill towers over the park grounds and is an ideal spot to enjoy a view of the roofs of Munich and to the mountains beyond.
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Nymphenburg Palace
The baroque palace in the west part of Munich was the summer residence of the Bavarian monarchs. Five generations of Wittelsbach rulers were involved in the construction of this stately ensemble, which houses several outstanding collections. With its lavishly decorated interior and the famous "Gallery of Beauties" commissioned by Ludwig I, the palace is one of Munich's favorite attractions. Among the highlights are the former bedroom of King Ludwig II and the impressive banquet hall with fine ceiling frescoes by Johann Baptist Zimmermann. The Nymphenburg Palace west of Munich is one of the largest royal palaces in Europe and is not to be missed on a sight-seeing tour through the Bavarian capital city. The oft-visited Baroque tourist attraction with it’s expansive landscaped garden and museum draws not only guests from around the world, but is also a beloved institution for Munich residents. In 1664, Prince Ferdinand Maria had the castle built as a present to his wife, who had borne him the long-awaited heir, Max Emanuel. Max Emanuel himself later played a significant role in expanding the palace layout.
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English Garden
"The Englische Garten (“English Garden”) is one of the largest urban parks in the world. The layout has undergone constant change throughout the centuries as new buildings and green spaces were added time and again.
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Neue Pinakothek
Outstanding works of European art and sculpture from the late 18th to the beginning of the 20th century are in the spotlight of the Neue Pinakothek. One focus is on the German art of the 19th century - this collection, which goes back to the private collection of King Ludwig I, is one of the most comprehensive of all.