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ParksandGardens, Spain

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El Retiro Park
Covering over 125 hectares and comprising more than 15,000 trees, El Retiro Park is a green oasis in the heart of the city. In it you’ll find all kinds of interesting monuments and gardens, including the Jardín de Vivaces, the Jardines de Cecilio Rodríguez (Andalusian-inspired classicistic gardens), the Jardines del Arquitecto Herrero Palacios, the Rosaleda rose garden and the Parterre Francés, which holds a Mexican conifer that is nearly 400 years old and is believed to be Madrid’s oldest tree.
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Temple of Debod Gardens
In 1968, Manuel Herrero Palacios designed these 8 hectares of gardens so that one could sit and admire the magnificence of the Temple of Debod, which had been donated to Spain by the Government of Egypt. The Debod Mausoleum, which is more than 2,000 years old, was rescued from the waters of Aswan Dam by a group of Spanish archaeologists. They brought back every stone and rebuilt it in its present location, after the Government of Egypt donated it to Spain. It was set on the remains of Cuartel de la Montaña, retaining the orientation to the sun it had at its place of origin. From here, the famous Manzanares cornice, with the Royal Palace, Casa de Campo and, possibly, the most beautiful sunsets in Madrid, can be seen. The garden’s parterres on both sides are merely a vegetation frame. They are enclosed with squares, banana trees for alignment and groups of palm trees and Mediterranean plants on the meadows.
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Park Guell
Park Guell is one of the most fantastic designs ever built by Gaudi. A landmark on its own, it features amazing views of Barcelona and plenty of modernist works. Needless to say, as soon you pass the entrance, you’ll notice right away that this isn’t an ordinary park. Curiously, Park Güell wasn’t originally intended to be a park, but rather a project for luxurious homes. In 1900, the site was just a rocky hill with nothing but vegetation around, in the vicinity of some isolated upper class country houses. The result was one of the most fascinating works by Gaudí. The intention of the project was to take advantage of the breathtaking views of Barcelona and the clean fresh air, away from the factories, in order to build a top of the line housing complex. In Park Guell, there are plenty of paths and vegetation to enjoy, but the architectural structures are the glue that holds the whole place together.
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Parc Central de Nou Barris
The park covers a surface area of 17 hectares and gives Nou Barris a pleasant, modern appearance in keeping with the residential area where it is located. It blends in perfectly with the site and its undulating landform has a lot of surprises in store.
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Almadenes Canyon
Anyone who loves nature and places untouched by the human hand will find the Almadenes Canyon a landscape of singular beauty. On the other hand, there is a rich biodiversity of flora including poplars, ashes and willows and wildlife such as the eagle owl, the short-toed Eagle and the otter. In this attractive touristic enclave, you can pursue adventure sports such as trekking, canyoning, and of course, the river descent by inflatable boat or kayak which offers every visitor the opportunity to travel down the river irrespective of their age or physical fitness.
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Teide National Park
You can not miss that wonderful National Park. You will enjoy landscapes that will seem like another planet. You will breathe the pure air of the highest peak in Spain. You will walk among the volcanic lava and you will feel tiny when you see the impressive environment declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
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Zoobotanico Jerez
The Zoological Park and Botanical Garden of Jerez is one of the oldest in Spain. Its history begins at the beginning of the 50s when in the old Tempul Gardens a small collection of animals without recipients were deposited in the Port of Cádiz. The main promoter of the idea was the then Councilor for Parks and Gardens Mr. Alberto Durán Tejera. Zoological collection of Zoobotanico Jerez contains more than 1,000 animals belonging to about 200 different species from the five continents. Enjoy your day among flamingos, wildcats, giraffes, meerkats and many more!
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Alameda Vieja
Alameda Vieja is a well known Park in the city of Jerez.
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Acrobosc Ibiza Adventure Park
Acrobosc Ibiza is a fantastic outdoor adventure park with activities both for young and old. Set in an area of pine trees just 100m from the Cala Pada beach, there are three circuits you can follow, according to your height and age, putting your balance and skills to challenge. Thirty-nine platforms between 2 and 6m high, 49 obstacles and 20 zip lines from 4 to 65m length and trampolines will guarantee you 2 to 2 1/2 hours of fun & adrenaline. After fitting you with a safety harness, the instructors will train you and then it's up to you to find your pace as you balance tight ropes, walk over nets suspended mid-air or slide down one of the zip slides (always safely connected to a safety cable). Those under age 18 need to be accompanied by an adult.
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Campa de Los Ingleses Park
The park of the Campa de los Ingleses occupies the green space between Guggenheim Museum Bilbao and Deusto Bridge as well as the new buildings like the Library of the University of Deusto, the Auditorium of the UPV-EHU and the Iberdrola Tower, among others. This area, which in its time has been a British cemetery, the Athletic football ground and also a runway, is 25,000 m2 and was landscaped by Diana Balmori, who also designed the Plaza de Euskadi. The trees planted there (oak, holm oak and jacaranda) are also the most representative in Doña Casilda Park .
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Ribera Park
Ribera Park, opened in 2003, is located in the space between the river, Euskalduna Palace Conference Centre, Guggenheim Museum Bilbao and Abandoibarra Avenue. It has an area of nearly 84,000 m2 and an interesting linear configuration. Its various areas are separated by streetlights twelve metres high, which illuminate the park at night, and it is lined with palms and lime trees. It features a sculpture park called "Memory Lane", evoking the industrial and maritime past of the area where it is located.
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Viana Palace
This palace museum has an extensive collection of items from Cordoba including furniture and coffered objects. Of particular note is the staircase which gives access to the upper floor. This stately mansion was originally a single building that was extended with the adjoining buildings, and today occupies a large area with a predominance of courtyards and gardens.
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Canos de San Francisco Fountain
This fountain is the most unusual in the area. It has a front panel with six spouts in the form of human heads from which the water flows towards a rectangular basin. There are three heraldic shields on the front: two from Avilés at each side, with the royal coat of arms in the centre.
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Riouxa Park
A Riouxa Park, in Teis neighbourhood, is 60 hectares in size and a favourite among the locals for dog-walking and taking the kids to its large playground. Designed by the Catalonian architect Ricardo Bofill, this park has numerous species of trees, of which many were brought from other parts of the world. An example of this is the horse chestnut, which coexists with native species such as the oak.
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Picos de Europa National Park
The Picos de Europa National Park was the first one to be awarded that designation in Spain. Its history goes back to 1918, when don Pedro Pidal, Marquis of Villaviciosa, promoted the law to create the Montaña de Covadonga National Park, which was named Picos de Europa National Park on 30 May 1995. This natural area was awarded the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve designation in 2002.
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The Timanfaya National Park
Because of the spectacular fields of solidified lava that make up the island of Lanzarote, Timanfaya is the land of volcanoes.