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Architecture, Finland

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World Heritage Site Suomenlinna is a cultural treasure. Its construction began in the mid-18th century, when Finland was still part of Sweden. The development of tourism began after the wars in the 20th century, and in the 21st century, the Suomenlinna sea fortress is one of the most popular attractions in Finland. Today, the fortress and its museums, restaurants and events are a memorable experience for visitors of all ages. Suomenlinna is not only a popular visitor attraction but also a home of 800 residents. The number of visitors to Suomenlinna has continued to grow, and with over 900,000 visitors every year, the sea fortress is one of Finland’s most popular tourist destinations. Suomenlinna attracts visitors from both Finland and abroad: it offers an ideal environment for exploring a historical world heritage site, or just spending a day relaxing. Many visitors come to the island during the summer, but the number of wintertime visitors is steadily growing.
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Helsinki Cathedral
The Cathedral, by Carl Ludvig Engel, rising on the northern side of the Senate Square is the stage of national and academic festive services and one of the most popular tourist sights.
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Senate Square
The Senate Square and its surroundings form a unique and cohesive example of Neoclassical architecture. The square is dominated by four buildings designed by Carl Ludvig Engel (1778-1840): Helsinki Cathedral, the Government Palace, the main building of the University of Helsinki and the National Library of Finland. A statue of Alexander II (1894) stands in the middle of the Senate Square. Helsinki Cathedral is arguably Finland's most famous and photographed building. The oldest stone building in Helsinki is the Sederholm House located on the southeast corner of the square. Today the building hosts the Helsinki City Museum. The Esplanade park and the Market Square are just a block away. The Senate Square also hosts a sound installation called the Sound of the Senate Square. It is a modern version of the European glockenspiel and can be heard every day at 17:49 as it travels from one building to the next. The composition runs for 5 minutes 18 seconds and is composed by Harri Viitanen and Jyrki Alakuijala.
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Temppeliaukio Church
Completed in 1969, Temppeliaukio Church is carved right from the bedrock in the center of Helsinki. The underground house of worship, called Temppeliaukion kirkko in Finnish, was designed by architect brothers Timo and Tuomo Suomalainen in the charmingly named Töölö neighborhood. On all sides of the circular church are roughly hewn stone, where sometimes water still seeps in to create miniature waterfalls. A dome coated with copper covers the rock church, with a skylight open in a belt below it to make the dome appear to hover. Even further below the church is a Cold War-era air raid shelter, which now serves as parking. Despite its cave-like appearance, Temppeliaukio Church actually has marvelous acoustics, where the sound beautifully bounces from the craggy stone.
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Halta The Finnish Nature Centre
A new type of visitor centre, Haltia strives to bring all of Finland’s nature under one roof and closer to the visitor through the building’s facilities and its exhibitions. With a visit to Haltia you can experience nature from all over Finland, in the Helsinki region. Visitors to the Haltia – The Finnish Nature Centre are blessed with spectacular views of Nuuksio National Park and Lake Nuuksio Pitkäjärvi, as well as access to the excellent hiking trails that abound. The exhibitions in Haltia take visitors on a trip through Finland to experience the country’s nature at its most spectacular, from all the distinct regions, and the 40 national parks within its borders. There is also an introduction to the numerous nature experiences available in the Helsinki region, some of which will be well known while others much less so. The Snowy Canyon leads you to the main exhibition hall, where you can examine the Finnish winter and how animals and plants survive it. In the main exhibition, photography and videos by Finland’s finest nature photographers take visitors through Finnish landscapes as well as underwater in all seasons. There are over 80 Finnish nature destinations that can be explored through touchscreens, from the Finnish Archipelago to the fells of Lapland. The exhibition includes a large wooden Duck Egg, which serves as the setting for the Game Theory video installation by artist Osmo Rauhala. At Haltia, you will also find the Nature Mothers Call sound installation room, Bear’s Den (Karhunpesä) and an Open wilderness hut. The exhibition follows the annual cycle of nature, utilising not only the panorama landscape but also video presentations, dioramas, interactive features, works of art and scale models, among other features. The experience is completed with a world of sounds and light, allowing visitors to live and experience real Finnish nature!
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Gallen-Kallela Museum
On the northern shore of Laajalahti Bay, in Tarvaspää, lies the Gallen-Kallela Museum, designed and built by one of Finland’s finest artists, Akseli Gallen-Kallela. Tarvaspää’s beautiful surroundings and the museum’s unique architecture provide the perfect setting for a museum visit. Originally a studio and residence, the museum opened to the public in 1961. The temporary exhibitions that present the art and life of Gallen-Kallela are shown alongside present-day works of contemporary art, while a wide range of events and activities are arranged during the year, with the museum acting as a centre for information on the great artist. Tarvaspää Cafe Zoceria is located in a delightful villa next to the museum where visitors can enjoy great coffee, snacks, salads and soups.
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Hanasaari is an enchanting place in the midst of the archipelago, close to the Helsinki city centre. The Hanasaari Swedish-Finnish Cultural Centre promotes and develops interaction between Finland and Sweden, as well as co-operation in all areas of society. Hanasaari’s home is a modern well-maintained building, amply decorated with modern Finnish and Swedish art. The Hanasaari cultural centre was inaugurated on 1 June 1975 by King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden and President Urho Kekkonen of Finland. The building was designed by architect Veikko Malmio, and its original interior decorations by Professor Yrjö Sotamaa. An art competition was organised during the building phase, and the winner was revealed by King Carl XVI Gustaf when he inaugurated the house. The winning piece was Heikki Häiväoja‘s grand relief “Vuorovaikutus” (Interaction). Two other participating works were also purchased for Hanasaari: Marjatta Weckström‘s relief “Vuodenajat” (The seasons), which today can be seen in Restaurant Johannes, and the bronze front doors with small coloured windows embedded in them by Kauko Räsänen.
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WeeGee Exhibition Centre
The City of Espoo is unique in not having a single centre, but instead have a number of major urban centres. One of these is Tapiola, which can lay claim to being the cultural heart of the city, as it features the Espoo Cultural Centre, home to the Tapiola Sinfonietta, Espoo City Theatre, and two concert spaces in Louhisali and Tapiolasali. Tapiola is also home to the nearby WeeGee Exhibition Centre, which consists of four very different museums: EMMA – Espoo Museum of Modern Art, KAMU – Espoo City Museum, the Finnish Toy Museum Hevosenkenkä and the Finnish Museum of Horology. WeeGee Exhibition Centre provides a wide range of experiences for visitors of all ages. There are numerous temporary exhibitions in the museums to complement their permanent collections, and guided tours, workshops and themed events are held throughout the year. The centre also houses the museum shop, perfect for picking up souvenirs, and the Cafe WeeGee. Behind the main building visitors will find the visionary Futuro House, while the Studio Suuronen exhibitions are always interesting.
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Nasinneula Observation Tower
Näsinneula is an observation tower in the Särkänniemi Adventure Park in Tampere that overlooks Lake Näsijärvi. Designed by Pekka Ilveskoski, the tower was constructed in 1970-71 and is the tallest free-standing structure in Finland, as well as being the tallest observation tower in Scandanavia at a height of 168m. The tower features a rotating restaurant, like the one in the Puijo tower in Kuopio, which makes a full revolution in 45 minutes. An elevator brings visitors to a height of 120m where the Pilvilinna café is located, the restaurant, called Näsinneula, is one story higher. The elevator is the fastest in Finland, travelling at a rate of 6 metres per second, and reaches the café in 27 seconds.
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Tampere City Hall
The Tampere City Hall is a neo-renaissance building in Tampere, Finland, situated at the edge of the Tampere Central Square. The current city hall was built in 1890 and was designed by Georg Schreck. The palatial building has many halls and the city of Tampere holds many events there. During the Great Strike in 1905, the so-called “Red Manifesto” was read from the balcony of the Tampere City Hall. It was one of the last buildings to remain as part of the red base during the final stages of the civil war in 1918, and still shows signs of the battles of that time, including the main entrance and the main staircase where bullet holes are still visible.
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Alexander Church
Alexander Church, built by Theodor Decker in 1880-1881, is one of the more beautiful churches in Tampere, and a fine example of the Neo-Gothic style, although there are also some elements of other architectural styles. During reconstruction in 1937, the church was badly damaged by fire, and in 1980 it underwent another major renovation. The magnificent altarpiece, “The Glorification of the Saviour”, is by Aleksandra Saltin, the motifs on the chancel walls are by Antti Salmenlinnan, the crucifix is by Ipi and Pekka Pyhältö, and the textiles throughout the church were designed by Anja Savolainen. The church was named Alexander Church to honour the 25th anniversary of the coronation of Czar Alexander II, as its foundation stone was laid on the anniversary date, 2nd of March 1880. The church was consecrated in December 1881.
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Musuem Mailavida
The city of Tampere bought the building and named it Näsilinnaksi. It was handed over to the oldest museum in Tampere, the Häme Museum. The first exhibitions opened in 1908.
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Juselius Mausoleum
One of Pori’s most popular sights. Jusélius Mausoleum is located at the Käppärä Cemetery. It is one of Pori’s most popular sights and part of the Pori National Urban Park. The mausoleum was commissioned by local industrialist Fritz Arthur Jusélius for his daughter Sigrid, who died of tuberculosis, to be her last place of rest. Sigrid and Fritz Arthur Jusélius’ sarcophagi are on display in the mausoleum. Sigrid’s mother and sister are buried in the family grave close to the small chapel. The grave of Jusélius’ second wife is also close to the small chapel, and his third wife is buried next to the mausoleum. The Gothic Revival mausoleum was designed by the renowned church architect Josef Stenbäck. The ground slab of the mausoleum was cast in the beginning of the 20th century. Originally, the mausoleum was decorated with frescoes painted by Akseli Gallen-Kallela. However, the frescos began to deteriorate already in 1903. After the condition of the frescoes in the central hall became very poor, they were replaced one at a time with bronze reliefs by the sculptor Emil Cedercreutz by 1925. The current frescos were painted by artist Jorma Gallen-Kallela during 1933–1939 after drafts by his father, Akseli Gallen-Kallela.
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Pori Art Museum
A museum of contemporary art built around Professor Maire Gullichsen’s collection in 1981. Pori Art Museum is a museum of contemporary art built around Professor Maire Gullichsen’s collection in 1981, showcasing the most recent trends in Finnish and international art. Constructivism, Fluxus and the trends in land and conceptual art have shown the way for exploring new phenomena. Functioning as the regional art museum of Satakunta, the collections and archives of the museum focus on modern and contemporary art. Pedagogic activities serve customers of all ages and help in finding new approaches to art and visual culture. The museum shop serves art lovers and professionals. The range of art literature related to the exhibitions and collections includes publications of international museums and artists, art magazines and art theory literature. The museum’s own series of exhibition and research publications cover phenomena in art from modernism to contemporary art. At the museum shop, you can also find gifts, cards and accessories connected to the exhibition themes, as well as high-quality art supplies. The museum is located in the lobby of the Art Museum, and it is open when the museum is. You can also pop in the shop without a museum ticket.
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Pori Old Town Hall
Presents Neoclassicism and it is one of the few buildings that survived the 1852 fire. One of the most valued buildings in Pori is the Old Town Hall designed by Carl Ludvig Engel, completed in 1841. Situated in the city centre on Hallituskatu. The English-style Old Town Hall Park located in front of it is one of the oldest parks in the city, and the location was originally home to a market square until the late 19th century. The Old Town Hall originally housed the city’s administration and courts; nowadays, the premises are used for dignified occasions. There is a restaurant in the basement.
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Vuojoki Manor
A pearl of tourism in Satakunta offers diverse tourism services for private individuals as well as groups. Vuojoki Manor in Eurajoki is a pearl of Finnish architecture that offers diverse tourism services for private individuals as well as groups. Vuojoki Manor is a developing attraction that adapts to customer needs in the spirit of our time while fostering its rich history and cultural heritage. At Vuojoki Manor, you can find accommodation, restaurant services, hold meetings, organise family parties and other events both big and small, enjoy the peace and quiet of nature and take part in various activities.
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Rosenlew Museum
The Museum presents and stores the industrial cultural heritage of Satakunta province. The Rosenlew Museum of the Satakunta Museum is located in Pori’s Aittaluoto district, next to a traditional industrial area. The museum building is the state’s granary completed in the 1860s, preserved due to its cultural and historical value. The basic exhibition of the Rosenlew museum showcases the history and production of the Rosenlew company. There are also items and photographs related to working and the leisure time of Rosenlew employees on display. The company that operated in the ownership of the Rosenlew family (1853–1987) was one of the biggest industrial companies in Finland and a significant provider of employment in Pori and the Satakunta region on the whole.
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Noormarkku Church
Built in the same location where the previous wooden church burned down in the turmoil of the Civil War. Ignited by Civil War artillery fire on Easter Saturday, 30 March 1918, the church burned down with its archives and original pauper statue, library in the sacristy and Elin Danielson-Gambog’s altarpiece “Jesus and the sinful woman” (1899), donated by Eva Ahlström. Due to financial reasons, the construction of the new church did not begin earlier than 15 years after the previous one burned down. With a grant from A. Ahlström Oy, Armas Lindgren drew the church in mediaeval style, and the current church was built in 1931–1933. The church was renovated in 1989 according to plans prepared by the architect Carl-Johan Slotte. The church built of Noormarkku granite has seating for approximately 500. Built in the mediaeval Finnish style as a single-nave church, the church was listed as a conservation site by the Finnish Heritage Agency in 2002.
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Soederskaer Lighthouse
Söderskär lighthouse island combines a rugged but breathakingly beautiful environment with a fascinating history. In summer there are cruises to the island for the public, and for groups there is the possibility of chartering a cruise. During your visit you will hear many fascinating stories and also visit the art exhibition, which changes every summer. You can book accommodation in the lighthouse from July to September.
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Porvoo Cathedral
The church was originally made of wood. The first stone walls were built between 1410 and 1420 and in about 1450 the church was expanded four meters towards east and six meters towards south.
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Arktikum is a science center and museum that lets you experience northern nature, culture, and history up close. Housing the University of Lapland’s Arctic Center and the Regional Museum of Lapland, Arktikum stimulates thought, encourages debate, and provides a deeper understanding of the Arctic. Arktikum exhibitions lead guests on an adventure through Finnish Lapland and the Arctic region. The review of the history of Finnish Lapland spans from Rovaniemi to Upper Lapland and from prehistory to about the 1970s. The Arctic region is examined in light of the Arctic research of today and that planned for the future. The exhibitions provide a comprehensive overview of the history and culture of Lapland as well as of Arctic knowledge.
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Korundi House of Culture
In addition to hosting concerts by the Lapland Chamber Orchestra and art exhibitions in the Rovaniemi Art Museum, Korundi House of Culture has a wide variety of events and conferences. The building now housing the Korundi House of Culture was originally an old post bus depot dating back to 1933. The modifications and expansion completed in 2009 and 2010 were designed by architect Juhani Pallasmaa. He also had a hand in the design of the Rovaniemi Art Museum, which has been in the old depot since 1986.
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Christmas House Santa
Experience the atmosphere of authentic Finnish Christmas in Santa Claus Village at the Arctic Circle. Meet Santa Claus in the Christmas House of the Santa Claus Holiday Village, and discover the unique Christmas exhibition, explaining the Christmas traditions around the World.
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Savonlinna Cathedral
Savonlinna Cathedral is the main church of Savonlinna’s Evangelical-Lutheran parish. The name of the church originates from the cathedral, the seat of a bishop, located in Savonlinna from 1897 to 1924. The church was designed by architect A.H. Dahlström in 1858, and it was consecrated on 2 February 1879. The church was damaged during an air raid in 1940. The reconstruction was designed by architect B. Lilljeqvist. The altar choir ceiling fresco, paintings on the gallery bannisters, and the chandeliers were created by artist Antti Salmenlinna. The altarpiece “Jesus in Gethsemane” is a triptych painted by artist Paavo Leinonen. The church textiles, designed by artist Helena Karvonen, are from 1979.
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Art Gallery Villi Villa
Artist Pentti Ikäheimonen art gallery Villi Villa is located in the middle of a beautiful Finnish lake landscape, only 5 km from the center of Rantasalmi. Come and explore the remodelled building and artwork that breathe both rural and natural beauty. The gallery presents a sales exhibition of Pentti Ikäheimonen and visiting artists as well as works by former masters.
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Museum Shop of Olavinlinna Castle
The Museum Shop of the Olavinlinna Castle has a wide range of the National Board of Antiquities’ publications as well as other historical books, nostalgic posters and postcards.
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Olavinlinna Castle
The building of Olavinlinna Castle began in 1475. The Danish-born founder of the castle, knight Erik Axelsson Tott, decided that a powerful fortification should be build to protect the strategically important Savo region
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The Kastelholm Castle
A visit to the medieval castle at Kastelholm in Sund makes for an exciting outing for the whole family. It was mentioned for the first time in writing in an estate inventory for Bo Johnsson Grip in 1388.
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Brinkhall Manor
The Brinkhall Manor, located in Turku on the island of Kakskerta, can trace its history back to the 16th century. The existing neoclassical buildings, completed in 1793, are surrounded by a rich natural and cultural landscape with parks and gardens going back many hundreds of years. The grounds are well known from the Finnish TV series Hovimäki. Brinkhall Manor has a Café, where you can also find the Interior Museum and exhibitions during the café’s opening hours. Manor tours as well as a variety of events, from concerts to parties and seminars can be arranged on request.
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Kakolanmaeki Prison
Finland’s most legendary prison vacated its former residence on Kakolanmäki in 2007, allowing the neighbourhood to enter a new and more auspicious age. It is an increasingly popular ‘Kakola Before and After’ tours, in which participants will explore the former prison buildings as well as the locations of the most exciting and audacious escapes of all time. The tour then continues on to Kakolan Sali, the hall that served as the prison church, where visitors will view a slideshow of the cells and hear stories of daily life for Kakola’s inmates. The two-hour tour is complete after a delicious serving of cakes and coffee. Public tours are held from 15th May to 5th September. Detailed times will be published on Kakola's website and Kakola's Facebook page later in the spring. The 2-hour tour costs €20 and includes coffee and cake.
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St. Henry's Ecumenical Art Chapel
St. Henry's Ecumenical Art Chapel on the island of Hirvensalo is also a pilgrimage for lovers of architecture. The mystical landscape sculpture was completed on the fringe of the archipelago nature in 2005. In addition to the ecclesiastical events the chapel also holds art exhibitions, tours and a variety of events from concerts to special celebrations.
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Northern Ostrobothnia Museum
The Northern Ostrobothnia museum (Pohjois-Pohjanmaan Museo in Finnish) was founded in 1896 by the Museum Society which donated the museum to the City of Oulu in 1969. The museum’s region of interest is the City of Oulu and Northern Ostrobothnia of Finland. The culturally historic county museum is located in Ainola Park. The building is designed by architect Oiva Kallio and completed in 1931.
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Oulu Museum of Art
The Oulu Museum of Art’s changing exhibitions focuses on topical contemporary art without forgetting local and regional perspectives. The art museum’s second floor is home to themed collections. Visit our website to find out more about our broad variety of public events and workshops. Our museum shop, Ainoa, offers a range of top-quality, distinctive gift items and interior decoration products for people of all ages. The Oulu Museum of Art is one of the Museum and Science Centre Luuppi sites.