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Gorkhi Terelj National Park
Terelj National Park is the most popular destination and the third biggest protected area in Mongolia. Visitors can take leisurely strolls on meadows carpeted with edelweiss and a dazzling variety of other wildflowers, view fascinating rock formations against a backdrop of pine-covered mountains and wander along the wooded banks of a mountain stream. The park is located 80 km away from Ulaanbaatar and is one of the most beautiful places in Mongolia. There are also a huge number of adventure activities such as rafting, riding, hiking, skiing, camping.
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Gandan Monastery
Gandan is the largest and most significant monastery in Mongolia and one of Ulaanbaatar 's most interesting sights. Built in the mid 19th century, it is the only monastery where Buddhist services continued to function even during the communist past. Temples are flocked by visitors during religious services that start at 10 a.m. and last until midday. The Migjid Janraisig Temple is an important part of the Gandan Monastery. The temple houses the majestic new gilded statue of Migjid Janraisig, decorated with jewels. This 26-meter high 20-ton statue is a copy of another statue that was destroyed in the 1920s by communists. The statue was built with donations of Mongolian people as a symbol of Buddhist revival in the mid-1990s.
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Mongolian Natural History Museum
This is one of the oldest museums which was founded in 1924 as the National Central Museum. In 1956 it was renamed the State Central Museum and in 1997 it became the Museum of Natural History. Today there are departments of Geography, Geology, Flora and Fauna, and Paleontology in the museum. Displays of stuffed and embalmed animals including the rare Gobi bear and wild camel, birds, and fish will give you a good idea about the rich fauna of Mongolia. Most impressive is the Paleontology section. There are petrified eggs and bones of many dinosaurs that lived in the Gobi desert 60-70 million years ago and two complete skeletons of the flesh-eating giant Tarbosaurus and the duck-billed Saurolophus. Petrified bones of 5 kinds of dinosaurs out of 7 that are known today have been discovered in Mongolia. The museum also has samples of various minerals that are found in the country.
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Sukhbaatar Square
This is the main square in the heart of Ulaanbaatar. A large statue of Sukhbaatar, the famous patriot characterizes the square, and the square is named after this historic figure. Such important buildings as the Parliament House, Stock Exchange, the Drama Theater and Cultural Palace are located surrounding the square. Sukhbaatar square was formed in the early part of the XIX century by the name of the Great Universe. The northern edge of the Great Pleasure was the Yellow Castle (south of the existing Child Center Center), the southern edge of the Choijin Lama Temple, the left and right sides of the monastery, and the lords. The design of the monument D. Sukhbaatar's statue was created by sculptor Ch. Boghola. The draft of the statue, depicted on the cliffs of the jujube, is on February 23, 1946, by the Council of Ministers and the Central Committee of the MPRP 13/3. According to the decree, the statue was built shortly in the centre of the Indians and opened on the 8th of July 1946 on the 25th anniversary of the People's Revolution. Since then, Indra Square was renamed Sukhbaatar square. The four-meter tall statue of granite, made of granite, was set at a height of 12 meters above the base of a sunny, high-rise staircase. On the sides of the concrete roof, the revolutionary event is emblazoned on the left side: "Our country unites unity and unites a single force, united where there is no place to go, and no one can know and can not find pleasure in pleasure. we have the courage to know our hearts. " The 14 statues of white lions connected to the outside of the statue were symbolically placed on the exterior of the statue of the 14 white lions.
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Choijin Lama Temple
The Choijin Lama Temple, built in 1904-1908 is a classic example of the traditional Buddhist architecture. This was the home of Luvsan Haidav Choijin Lama, brother of Bogd Khaan and a prominent lama. The museum is famous for its collection of Buddhist artworks, original silk icons, and tsam dancing masks. VIII Bogd Jazzundamba Khutagt Choijin Lama, a Chinggikh lama monastery built by 1904-1908 in the design and management of the Imperial Palace architect, and over 300 best craftsmen in Mongolia. In total, 88779 lan or 1821.2 kg of net money was spent on the construction of this church. Luvsansmddava was born in Tibet in 1872 and came to Mongolia in 1876. In 1905, he named the Church of the Emperor of Manchu to give a name to his temple. He called the "Temple of forgiveness." One of the features of the Church is the depiction of the enemy head, lungs, and heart of the enemy. This is the idea of ​​the mascot of the religious enemies of the religion. Since 1938, the Choijin monastery has closed its activities in 1938 and has been open to the public since 1942, as a religious museum, special guests and foreign delegates. Today, the Choijin Lama Temple is comprised of the Jambai Gate, the Mahrahar Temple, the Gate of Khuderati, the main temple, the Zanhang Temple, the Zuu Temple, the Yadam Temple, the mosque, and the temple.
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Zaisan Hill
This tall landmark in front of the city offers the best views of Ulaanbaatar and the surrounding nature. The large monuments on the top of the hill were erected for the memory of soldiers died in World War II. Zaisan Hill is a perfect blend of modern architecture and tradition and history. Until recently, it was most well-known for the Zaisan Hill Monument atop the hill, a beautiful circular structure with a mural honoring allied Mongol and Soviet soldiers who fell during World War II. Now the hill is also home to a sprawling modern complex with plenty of amenities for tourists and residents alike.
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Chinggis Khaan Statue Complex
Visitors can go inside the statue, and from the inside of the horse's head, they have a panoramic view of the surroundings and reconstituted Mongolian village.

The site also has a museum that shows an exhibition about the Bronze Age and the archaeological culture of the Xiongnus in Mongolia. The visitor will discover usual utensils, belt buckles, knives, sacred animals, etc. The second exhibition covers the period of the 13th and 14th centuries, when the Mongolian Empire was at its height, with tools, goldsmith subjects, crosses, and rosaries.
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Yungang Grottoes
Yungang Grottoes, one of the three major cave clusters in China, punctuate the north cliff of Wuzhou Mountain in Datong. The area around the mountain was excavated revealing 53 caves and over 51,000 stone statues.
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Dragon Escalator
Located around 85 kilometers away from Beijing is one of China’s largest dams as well as a gigantic dragon escalator.Seemingly out of place against the cliffs in the background, the bright yellow dragon rises 258 meters and is the world’s largest outdoor escalator. Once at the top of the gorge, you can engage in even more adventures, including a ride in a cable car or a boat trip on the artificial lake.
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Wooden Pagoda in Yingxian County
This stunning pagoda is the oldest and highest wooden structure in China. Regarded as the ‘First Pagoda in the World’ and a gem in the architectural field, it was built during the Liao Dynasty (about 1056), and has been around for about 900 years.
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Overhanging Temple
Etched into the side of a mountain’s foot on a high cliff hemmed in by a precipice on either side, the Overhanging Temple, was built during the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534). From the bottom visitors can see range upon range of pavilions supported by dozens of wooden pillars.
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Mutianyu Great Wall
Mutianyu Great Wall is located 70 km away from Beijing, which makes it significantly less busy and features some fun, modern amusements, such as a cable car, chairlift, and toboggan. It has unique design and construction, having 3 enemy towers build next to each other. When visiting, each season bring their own beauty to the scenery. From green mountains and flowers to snowy mountain tops tops and autumn leaves.
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Summer Palace (Yiheyuan)
The Summer Palace is said to be the most well-preserved imperial gardens and the largest of its kind still in existence in China. There’s so much to see and enjoy that most people prefer to stay there at least half a day. Composed mainly of Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake, it owns over 3,000 man-made ancient structures, including pavilions, towers, bridges, corridors, etc. On the grounds of the Palace you will be able to walk through 'The Long Corridor' which is the longest corridor in the world.
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Forbidden City - Palace Museum
The Forbidden City, also known as the Palace Museum, lies in the city center of Beijing, and was once the Chinese imperial palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368 - 1911). It was listed as a World Heritage Site in 1987 and is the largest, best-preserved ancient timber-built palace complex in the world.Rectangular in shape, the Forbidden City is enormous, covering an area of 72 hectares, and boasting more than 9,000 bays of rooms. It is divided into two parts – the Outer Court for national affairs in the south and the Inner Court as living quarters in the north. It is not only an immense architectural masterpiece, but also a treasury housing a unique collection of 1.8 million pieces of art, including ancient calligraphy and painting, imperial artifacts, ancient books and archives. A must-see in Beijing and the world’s most visited museum, it is worth spending half to one day to visit the Forbidden City and appreciate the precious cultural heritage of China.
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Bijia Mountain
The Bijia Mountain is a small land-tied island located in the Liaodong Bay, adjacent to the Jinzhou Port. Measuring 1.5 kilometer in length and 0.8 kilometer in width, the island covers an area of about one square kilometer, at an altitude of 78 meters.
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Panfilovets' Park
Panfilovets’ Park is located in central-east Almaty in the area surrounding Zenkov Cathedral. The park is dedicated and named after the Panfilov Heroes. The memorial in the park is in memory of the 28 soldiers of an Almaty infantry unit who died fighting the Nazis outside Moscow. Ivan Panfilov was the name of the General commanding the 316 division who, in spite of suffering heavy casualties, managed to significantly delay the enemy’s advance on the capital, buying time for the defenders of the city. An eternal flame commemorating the fallen of 1917-20 (the Civil War) and 1941-45 (WWII), burns in front of the giant black monument of soldiers from all 15 Soviet republics. The Park itself is a very popular local green area within the city of Almaty. A good place to sit, rest and contemplate the sights of the city.
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Ascension Cathedral
Also, known as the ‘Zenkov Cathedral’, Ascension Cathedral is one of the most beautiful, magnificent and architectural monument of the city of Almaty with the height of 56 meters and is located in the green Panfilov Park of Almaty. A. Zenkov had supervised the construction of this cathedral in the early 19th century and legend goes that it was built without a single nail. But unfortunately, it’s not true. Although the design is remarkably unique but it’s because of the advanced technological expertise of that time. They used the construction concept of Semi ruche which meant using of reinforced concrete, timber preservation and ventilation. The Ascension Cathedral is entirely built in wood with intricate detailing and connected with iron bolts. The chief architect Zenkov ensured that it had a ‘flexible construction’. The external view of the cathedral boasts of some bright walls and multi coloured domes which is similar to the architecture of St. Petersburg. After many ups and downs in the restoration and religious upheavals, orthodox services began again in the cathedral and ever since it’s a pilgrimage for many Christians and a colourful attraction for all the Non-Christians.
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Kok Tobe Park
The hill the mast stands on is the highest point of the city of Almaty at 1100 metres and the mast itself is 350 meters tall. The viewpoint from Kok-tobe is well worth a visit with panoramic views of the city in all directions. A cable car ride is a really good way to the top of Kok-tobe Hill and see the view of surrounding mountains, the start of which is located close to the Hotel Kazakhstan. The cable car goes over some of the oldest parts of Almaty and it’s interesting to see the old fruit growing gardens. There is a charge for both the cable car and also, if you chose to walk up it. A new Ferris wheel was also installed to the park. Generally, a good place for a family day out or walk with a view. A really good place also to go in the evening to view the city lights.
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Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The history of Kazakhstan from prehistoric times to the present day is collected within the walls of this museum. Mammoth skeletons, national costumes and horse harness, guns from the Second World War - each exhibit in the museum has its own special history and is ready to open it to grateful listeners with the help of experienced guides. You may find over 300 thousand items in the collection of the fund. The area of ​​the Museum building is about 20 thousand square meters, while the spectator-accessible exhibition part is only 7000 sq. m. This museum is the most visited in the Republic. Every year it is visited by 130 thousand people, the museum's directorate holds about 100 lectures on various topics a year, holds more than 30 exhibitions, special offers and cultural and educational programs.
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Republic Square (New Square)
A beautiful and open place to enjoy the culture of Almaty: The Republic Square in Almaty is the home to the Akimat House, the Monument of Independence, The Presidential Residence, The Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan is right nearby.
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The Medeo outdoor ice skating ring is designed as a huge speed skating and Bandy area. Bandy is a team winter sport played on ice, in which skaters use sticks to direct a ball into the opposing team’s goal. The Medeo rink was constructed in 1949, and the first competition took place at the stadium on the February 4th, 1951. To begin with it was naturally frozen by its location, but, to control its use, it now has a normal refrigerated The statistics of the ring are really impressive. It is located on the eastern outskirts of Almaty at an altitude of 1,69o metres and has an area of 10.5 thousand square meters of ice. The altitude has made the ring the highest skating ring in the world.
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Fantasy World - Aya Park
If you are in the city and spend a day of rest, it would be nice to spend a day here with your family and children.
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Shymbulak Ski Resort
The Shymbulak Ski Resort is located 25 km outside Almaty city. There are three ski lifts at the resort with the highest going to 3200 meters above sea level. There is also a Hotel located at the Resort, enabling those wishing to ski during the day, have a place to stay at night. The resort is located in the upper part of the Medeu Valley in the Zaiilisky Alatau mountain range. It is popular for its mild climate, large quantity of sunny days and great amount of snow through the winter (from November till May). Almaty hosted the 2011 Asian Winter Games, bid for 2014 Winter Olympics, considered a bid for 2018 Winter Olympics, but decided to bid for 2022 Winter Olympics instead; Shymbulak was a venue for the Alpine Skiing events (both speed and technical), and would have been for the latter.
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Big Almaty Lake
Big Almaty Lake is located 28.5km south of Almaty up a gorge of the Bolshaya Almatinka River, 2,511m above sea level. The lake is within the Alatau – Eliy National park and both the Gorge and the lake are an attraction for visitors using Almaty as their base. The lake is used for both hydro electric power, and the water supply for the city, but this does not detract from the magnificent mountain scenery. The mountains, Sovetov to the southeast, Ozyorny to the south and Tourism to the southwest form a backdrop on all sides to the lake, producing some spectacular reflections, changing colour throughout the seasons. All three mountains are around the 4,000 metres high, with a glacial water running down towards the lake. The lake itself is about 1 km wide and 1.6 km long, with a depth of about 40 mtrs. It can be accessed by road or by foot, although a bus ride to the beginning of the assent, places you directly into the scenic area.
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Daming Lake Park
One of the few springwater lakes in a Chinese city, the lake has been a nationally famous scenic spot since the Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907) for its picturesque view with a ring of lakeside ancient pavilions, residences and temples.
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Baotu Spring
The Baotu Spring is a culturally significant artesian karst spring located in the city of Jinan, Shandong Province, China. It is mentioned in the Spring and Autumn Annals, one of the Five Classics of Chinese literature and was declared the “Number One Spring under the Heaven” by the Qing Dynasty Emperor Qian Long.
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Thousand-Buddha Mountain
Jinan Qianfo Mountain Scenic Area is located in the south of Jinan City, Shandong Province, and Baotu Spring, Daming Lake and said the three major scenic spots in Jinan.
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Rastorguyev-Kharitonov Mansion
One of the most significant 18-19th century architectural monuments in Ekaterinburg, the largest and oldest mansion ensemble of the city. Rastorguyev-Kharitonov’s mansion ensemble is a true architectural gem of Ekaterinburg. The estate occupying the entire northern slope of Voznesenskaya Gorka (Ascension Hill) includes the main house, wings, fences and gates, stables, and a large park
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Opera and Ballet Theatre
The city opera hall was designed by V. Semenov and opened on September 12, 1912 with M. Glinka’s opera “A Life for the Tsar”. Ekaterinburg Opera and Ballet Theatre is one of the oldest in Russia. The theatre construction (based on the design by V. N. Semenov from Saint Petersburg who won the all-Russian open contest) began in 1903 and was led by local architect K. T. Babykin. The grand opening was held on September 12, 1912 – Glinka’s opera “A Life for the Tsar” was staged. Riccardo Drigo’s "The Magic Flute" became the first ballet production of a new theater in 1914
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Church on the Blood
The memorial church was consecrated in 2003 at the site of execution of the last Russian emperor Nicholas II and his family. One of the largest churches in Ekaterinburg and pilgrimage destination for people from all over Russia, it was built in 2000-2003 at the site of execution of the last Russian emperor Nicholas II and his family, which took place on the night of July 16-17, 1918. This is the third church-on-the-blood in Russia after the ones in Uglich (built on the spot of tsarevich Dmitry’s murder in 1591) and St. Petersburg (built on the spot where Emperor Alexander II was assassinated in 1881).
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Ekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts
Ekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts − one of the most significant art museums in the Urals – was founded in 1936. Its collection was originally based on that of the LocalHistoryMuseum, which in turn received it from historic Ural Society of Natural History (UOLE). Later on, the collection was enriched with transfers from State Hermitage, Tretyakov Gallery, State Museum of Fine Arts named after Pushkin, as well as donations from private collections and national purchase commissions
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Leaning Tower of Nevyansk
The leaning tower, constructed with the sponsorship of the Demidov dynasty, is the symbol of Nevyansk and a monument of industrial architecture.The tower has several levels and floors. Earlier it hosted a lab for examining the content of manufactured iron, the factory's archives, the chancellor's office, and the lockup cell. Today it contains museum exhibits. Akinfiy Demidov's office, which served as a prison in Soviet times, was located on the second floor.To this day there is still a so-called «listening room». If you stand in one corner of the room, you can hear the tiniest whisper of people in the opposite corner. In addition, the Nevyansk tower has preserved its 18th-century clock tower. This chiming clock was manufactured in the 1730s by an English clockmaker, Richard Phelps, and had needed repairs only three times since. There was a time when the clock could play up to 20 musical pieces. Today, every 15 minutes the clock chimes the melody «Glory to You» from the opera «A Life for the Tsar».Another feature of the tower is the metal steeple with a weathercock, bearing the stamped coat-of-arms of the Demidovs. The steeple is grounded. It served as a lightning rod a quarter of a century before Benjamin Franklin invented the first lightning rod in 1725.
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Temple and Cemetery of Confucius and the Kong Family Mansion in Qufu
The temple, cemetery and family mansion of Confucius, the great philosopher, politician and educator of the 6thñ5th centuries B.C., are located at Qufu, in Shandong Province. Built to commemorate him in 478 B.C., the temple has been destroyed and reconstructed over the centuries; today it comprises more than 100 buildings.